The San Diego Workforce Partnership (SDWP) Research Department has hosted several In-Demand Jobs workshops for audiences throughout the county. The team presented the findings of the In-Demand Jobs biannual report, which analyzes the top 50 growing occupations in San Diego. The report projects both long-term (5-year, from Bureau of Labor Statistics data) and short-term (12-month, employer reported) growth for each of the top occupations.
Keynote speaker Joe Briceño, Labor Market Consultant for the California Employment Development Department Labor Market Information Division, also addressed a variety of topics including California and San Diego’s regional labor force, current and projected employment and where to access labor market information.
The final In-Demand Jobs event will be held on April 16, 1:00-2:00pm at the South County Career Center in Chula Vista. Joe Briceño will be a guest speaker at the event.
To read the full In-Demand Jobs report, visit