CONNECT2Careers enrolls more than 900 applicants

May 14, 2014

More than 900 San Diego youth have applied to take part in the CONNECT2Careers (C2C) 2014 summer employment program. An initiative of SDWP, C2C prepares our region’s future workforce by providing youth with the education, skills and support necessary to

Callstrom attends STEPWork event about STEM education

May 12, 2014

On May 8 and 9, SDWP President and CEO Peter Callstrom attended the STEP Central’s 2014 STEPWork Meeting at the University of Central Florida, Harris Engineering Center in Orlando. The conference brings together leaders from the education and workforce worlds to

Policy Board Member Profile: Meet Supervisor Ron Roberts

May 9, 2014

Ron Roberts is a San Diego County Supervisor, representing District 4. He is also the chair of the San Diego Workforce Partnership’s Policy Board.  SDWP: How have you seen our region’s workforce challenges change during your time with the Policy

REBOOT workshops help veterans transition into civilian-life careers

May 7, 2014

For veterans, a key component of the transition from military to civilian life is finding and maintaining employment. With this in mind, the San Diego-based National Veterans Transition Services Inc. (NVTSI) developed REBOOT Workshops to help members of the military

A review of unemployment data over a 10-year span

May 6, 2014

The California Employment Development Department released the latest unemployment numbers for the San Diego region, indicating that the unemployment rate declined from 7.0 percent in February 2014 to 6.9 percent in March 2014. Comparatively, California and the nation showed an unadjusted

SDWP’s Graham is finalist in Top Tech Exec Awards

May 5, 2014

SDWP is proud to announce that David Graham, vice president of Informational Technology is a finalist in the 2014 San Diego Magazine Top Tech Exec Awards, which honor outstanding IT executives in San Diego. Graham joined SDWP in December 2012.

WIB Member Profile: Meet Louis Song

May 1, 2014

WIB Member Profile: Louis Song Co-founder & CEO PROVEN, Inc. Headquartered in San Diego, PROVEN provides consulting and contingent staffing solutions in the areas of life sciences, technology, finance, accounting and operations on a direct-hire, contract-to-hire, and contract basis. Since starting in 2007,

Able-Disabled Advocacy program helps youth thrive

April 30, 2014

Eddie is a nice, respectful young man who was diagnosed with a learning disability in his early childhood. He simply could not stay focused at times. When he first joined Able-Disabled Advocacy (ADA) in July 2013, he had little support

Callstrom named WDC committee co-chair

April 29, 2014

SDWP CEO Peter Callstrom was named co-chair of the Communications Task Force for The United States Conference of Mayors Workforce Development Council (WDC). Established in 1977, the WDC works with mayors’ representatives to influence Congress and the U.S. Department of

Workforce professionals gather to address income mobility

April 28, 2014

San Diego hosted the California Workforce Association’s (CWA) annual conference April 22–24. The two-and-a-half-day conference gathered more than 300 workforce professionals with the mission of addressing the theme “Meeting the Challenge: Enhancing our Capacity to Impact Income Mobility.”  City of