SDWP CEO Peter Callstrom was named co-chair of the Communications Task Force for The United States Conference of Mayors Workforce Development Council (WDC). Established in 1977, the WDC works with mayors’ representatives to influence Congress and the U.S. Department of Labor in directing more employment and training funds to cities, to identify key issues in workforce development that affect cities, and to ensure that the role of cities is paramount in all workforce development activities.
The WDC provides a forum for mayors and their employment and training administrators to examine all workforce development issues and to strengthen the ability of cities to meet the needs of their citizens, particularly economically disadvantaged individuals, those with serious skill deficiencies, dislocated workers, and others with special barriers to employment, including youth.
The WDC will convene at the 82nd Annual Conference of Mayors, June 20–23, in Dallas. The mayors will vote on proposed resolutions that, upon adoption, become the organization’s official policy.