Apprenticeships in San Diego: Could they be the right fit for you?

June 30, 2023

Engineer Showing Equipment To A Female Apprentice, Close Up

Apprenticeship is an industry-driven, high-quality career pathway where employers can develop their future workforce, and individuals can obtain paid work experience, classroom instruction and a portable, nationally recognized credential.

A job seeker’s inspirational journey from struggle to empowerment

June 28, 2023


After struggling with substance use and multiple instances with the justice system, 55-year-old Susan Rivera decided it was time to seek help and change the trajectory of her life.

UC San Diego’s new shared space intersects education, art and community to promote collaboration

June 23, 2023

Park Market Hero

Park & Market is a new state of the art building created by UC San Diego, located in downtown San Diego’ East Village. The building features performance venues, meeting spaces, gallery spaces, classrooms and more. Park & Market is also home to a number of resident partners—including the San Diego Workforce Partnership.

Staff Profile: Meet Chloe Chen

June 20, 2023

Chloe Hero

Chloe Chen is a learning & experience designer on our learning team. We asked her about workforce development, what a typical day is like for her and what she enjoys doing outside of work.

Creating LGBTQ+ inclusive workplaces: Staff voices and actionable advice

June 7, 2023


We spoke with some of our LGBTQ+ staff at the Workforce Partnership about their experiences in the workplace. They recount their experiences and offer advice on how both employers and employees can work together to create an inclusive workplace for LGBTQ+ individuals.

Empowering LGBTQIA+ professionals and allies: A guide to finding and championing inclusive workplaces

June 5, 2023


This guide helps LGBTQIA+ individuals determine an employer’s inclusivity and helps individuals and allies learn how to lead the charge in creating a culture of belonging in the workplace while growing your professional network.  2w

How the San Diego LGBT Community Center provides a safe place for the LGBTQ+ community

May 31, 2023

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The San Diego LGBT Community Center (The Center) has looked out for the health and well-being of San Diego’s LGBTQ+ community since 1971. What started out as a phone line for community members to find connection has grown into one of the largest LGBTQ+ community centers in the nation.

A participant’s journey to self-sufficiency and reshaping his relationship with the workforce

May 31, 2023


46-year-old Lamont Burns had never held a full-time job. His little work included an on-call dishwasher, and it had been five years since he held that job. Lamont relied on the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) he received to support himself. After being connected to our Ticket-to-Work and Self Sufficiency (Ticket) program–a federal program designed to provide SSDI beneficiaries help to enter and maintain employment­­–Lamont was finally able to secure a full-time job and reach a goal he had long strived to achieve.

Staff profile: Meet Caro Beresford-Wood  

May 31, 2023

Caro Beresford Wood Headshot 16x9

Caro is a customer experience specialist on our customer experience team. We asked her about workforce development, her proudest professional accomplishment and what she enjoys doing outside of work.

New tool gives job seekers an “EDGE” in securing next career

May 23, 2023

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The San Diego Workforce Partnership launches new free online platform to provide on-demand career learning and job search guidance.