Veteran finds work in 6 weeks after layoff

April 10, 2019

Richard Clinton

Having received unemployment and disability insurance for two years in 2012 after being laid off from a different job, this time Richard was determined to go to the South County Career Center every day to use the computer resources and attend workshops on everything from resume writing to job interview skills.

Opportunity youth: The great reservoir of talent

April 8, 2019

young adult at microphone

Though we’re known for our sunshine, palm trees and beaches, those living in many parts of San Diego County experience a different reality. The fact is, there exists a wide disparity between this cool and breezy stereotype and the reality faced by millions of families in California, and thousands here in the county.

Staff Profile: Meet Myriam Sanchez

April 5, 2019

Portrait photo of Myriam Sanchez

Myriam Sanchez is a business partnerships specialist at the San Diego Workforce Partnership. Here she tells a little bit about herself, both personally and professionally.

Pilot project prepared new Americans for jobs in growth industries

April 2, 2019

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In the spring of 2017, the San Diego Workforce Partnership was awarded $500,000 to serve English language learners (ELL) in a pilot project that relied on a partnership with the International Rescue Committee (IRC) and Grossmont Unified High School District (GUHSD). This partnership and project, called the San Diego ELL Workforce Navigator Project, was designed to better connect with, serve and support ELL adults who need additional skills, training and assistance to secure and retain a self-sufficient living wage jobs in growing industries in San Diego. 

Here are the major findings from new research on youth disconnection in San Diego County

March 29, 2019

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Maya Angelou once wrote, “If one is lucky, a solitary fantasy can totally transform one million realities.” About four years ago, youth development leaders in San Diego County learned a shocking statistic that there were 53,000 16–24-year-olds in the region that were neither working nor in school. From there, a fantasy turned into a vision, then a goal and a mission—to cut the rate and halve the gap of youth disconnection in San Diego by 2020.

NAWB Forum: ‘We are a people of belief & work’

March 27, 2019

Nawb Forum 2019 Vicki Maylynne

For 40 years, the National Association of Workforce Boards (NAWB) has gathered the leading voices in the workforce community for three days of dialogue, learning and relationship building. The San Diego Workforce Partnership was thrilled to join the exciting convening of workforce-focused colleagues.

Labor Market Trends

March 22, 2019

Manpower labor market trends

The San Diego Monthly Employment Report (January 2019) shows an increase in the civilian labor force and unemployment. Interact with this page for more information.

Destined to succeed

March 15, 2019

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Liliana was born in the U.S. to immigrant parents who hoped to give her the best possible chance to have a brighter future. Due to financial instability and lack of resources, however, they were forced to return to the west-central state of Michoacán where she would live until she was 6 years old.

Press Release: Workforce Partnership Appoints New Board Members

March 14, 2019

San Diego Workforce Partnership logo

The San Diego Workforce Partnership announces the appointment of new members to its Policy Board and Workforce Development Board (WDB).

What to expect at the 2019 Opportunity Summit

March 11, 2019

Opportunity Summit Movement Be On Stage

It’s time to bring the OpportunitySD community together again for the 2019 Opportunity Summit!