Student applies for an internship and lands a senior-level position

July 26, 2022


After Hamed Seyedi was let go from his director position of 15 years, he decided to continue his education and earned a digital marketing certificate as a part of the Workforce Partnership’s continuing education program offered in partnership with UC San Diego Division of Extended Studies.

Staff profile: Meet Omar Baza

July 5, 2022

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Omar Baza is the career navigator for our CyberHire program, which provides training and certification to help job seekers start careers in cybersecurity. We asked Omar about his work and how he spends his free time.

Board Member Profile: Michael Zucchet of San Diego Municipal Employees Association

July 1, 2022

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As general manager of the San Diego Municipal Employees Association, the City of San Diego’s largest employee union, Michael Zucchet brings years of experience to the Workforce Development Board in the public, private and governmental sectors. Here he tells us why workforce development is important to the success of San Diego as a region and to the communities that make it up.

Bank of America awards $825,000 philanthropic investment into San Diego nonprofits to advance long-term economic success

June 28, 2022

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Bank of America announced more than $825,000 in grants to 29 San Diego nonprofits, including the San Diego Workforce Partnership, to help drive economic opportunity for individuals and families.

May’s labor market trends

June 17, 2022

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San Diego County’s unemployment rate dropped to 2.7% last month—the lowest rate this century and the second lowest rate in the 33 years in which County numbers were available. The seasonally adjusted rate was 2.9%, down from an adjusted 3.1% in April.

How to uplift your LGBTQIA+ employees year-round

June 7, 2022

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In recognition of Pride month here is a list of suggestions that employers can implement to create and sustain an inclusive work environment for their staff and to engage with staff who identify as a part of the LGBTQIA+ community.  

Transportation Equity is About Workforce Equity Too

June 6, 2022


If we truly want to create an equitable San Diego, we need to expand our public transit system and ensure it is affordable for everyone. For the neighborhoods that have historically been excluded, for the workers with disabilities, for parents, for students and for anyone who wants to get from one place to another.

Four major trends from Design@Large: The Future of Work and Higher Education Panel

June 2, 2022


The UC San Diego Design Lab recently hosted Design@Large, a speaker series to showcase the ever-evolving, interdisciplinary nature of design in a real-world context. Workforce Partnership CEO, Peter Callstrom, served as a panelist for the last event– The Future of Work and Higher Education.

Investing in positive community impact

June 1, 2022

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Mission Driven Finance is an impact investment firm dedicated to building a financial system that ensures good businesses have access to sufficient, affordable capital. Read about how they work with businesses and community partners to help them get the capital they need.

Staff profile: Meet Tanitia Burks

May 31, 2022


Meet Tanitia Burks! Tanitia is a program specialist working in our healthcare sector to support and advocate for job seekers looking to advance in this industry. We asked Tanitia about her work and how she likes to spend her free time.