Helping previously incarcerated individuals find their foothold in society  

December 7, 2022


Restoring Citizens is a nonprofit helping formerly incarcerated individuals overcome barriers to employment, mental health issues and other challenges they face post-release. The Workforce Partnership works in collaboration with Restoring Citizens as a part of our Reentry works program helping their clients find employment and develop their resume.

Top 10 workforce moments of 2022

December 7, 2022


This year San Diego’s workforce displayed resilience, businesses showed grit and we made important advances for a more equitable future. Here’s a look at some of our top moments.

Emily turns a passion for coding into a fulfilling career

December 6, 2022


After years of exploring different jobs and never experiencing any true satisfaction, Emily Hennes became frustrated with her career. When faced with losing a previous position, she worried more about losing a stable income than the job itself. Her career pathway changed after receiving an email about one of our information & communication technology training programs.

October’s labor market trends

November 18, 2022

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Minimal change in this month’s unemployment numbers In October, unemployment in San Diego County rose very slightly from 3.1% to 3.2% (3.15% unadjusted, 3.17% seasonally adjusted)—a difference that could completely disappear depending on how the numbers are revised in the

Staff profile: Meet Sarah Horowitz

December 1, 2022


Sarah Horowitz is a member of the marketing and communications team at the Workforce Partnership. This month we asked Sarah about her work, how she would spend a workforce development donation and how she spends her free time. 

Helping veterans find employment

November 9, 2022


Every year, thousands of veterans transition out of the military and face challenges in bridging the gap between military service and civilian employment. Learn about some common barriers and how to overcome them.

Healthcare specialist finds the right fit in behavioral health

November 7, 2022

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Uche Uzo is currently working towards becoming a certified substance use disorder counselor. As a mother of three with a deployed husband, Uzo shares with us what it truly means to be of service to others.

Board Member Profile: Jamie Gardner of Watkins Wellness

October 28, 2022

Jamie Gardner Headshot Resized

Jamie Gardner, a Major in the Marine Corps Reserve, tells us about the importance of supporting veterans transition into civilian life, finding meaningful professions and more.

Staff profile: Meet Orlando Hernández

October 27, 2022


Meet Orlando Herández, a computer systems administrator on the Workforce Partnership’s information technologies (IT) team. This month, we asked Orlando about his daily work, a professional moment he’s proud of and what he likes best about his job.

Creating a more equitable San Diego for those living with a disability 

October 25, 2022

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October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month. Each year the U.S. Department of Labor picks a theme that highlights the important role those with disabilities play in the workplace. This year’s theme is “Disability: Part of the Equity Equation.” The theme serves as a reminder that all workers, including workers with disabilities deserve equal access to development opportunities, career advancement and an inclusive workplace.