Press Release: San Diego Workforce Partnership Names New Board Members

March 10, 2021

San Diego Workforce Partnership logo

The San Diego Workforce Partnership is honored to announce the appointment of four new Workforce Development Board members as well as three new Policy Board members.

Women’s History Month: 10 women making history in San Diego

March 8, 2021


March is Women’s History Month! Women’s History Month was enacted celebrate the contributions women have provided and to recognize the specific achievements women have made over the course of American history in a variety of fields. At the Workforce Partnership, we’re celebrating by highlighting a few women who have contributed to the advancement of San Diegans specifically.

Board Member Profile: Meet Shandon Harbour of Associated Builders and Contractors

March 3, 2021


Shandon Harbour is President and CEO at Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc. (ABC) San Diego Chapter. She’s a third generation San Diegan, a graduate of the University of Southern California and proud mother of three boys. Here she tells us about her passion for workforce development.

A strategic approach to engage youth and create meaningful careers

March 3, 2021


When a person’s work environment aligns with their interests, they are more likely to perform better at work, achieve greater academic and career success, and may even earn more money than their peers. As educators, it can be difficult to engage youth in these conversations and encourage them to explore meaningful careers. Here are three ways to start.

Youth evaluator position leads to career path for this college student

March 2, 2021

Molly 2

Current college student lands a temporary job that leads to her finding her career path and field of study. She says her decision was influenced by her experience as an RFP evaluator with the San Diego Workforce Partnership.

Staff Profile: Meet Kelly Wilkinson

March 1, 2021

Kelly Wilkinson

Kelly Wilkinson is a program supervisor at the San Diego Workforce Partnership. Here she tells us a little about her work with the Construction Career Jumpstart program, leading a team of case managers and what she enjoys doing in her time off.

The quiet struggle: Leaving a job I love to care for my family and mental health

February 24, 2021


The struggle to maintain mental health is a universal experience in the American workplace. Before the pandemic, one in four American workers had been diagnosed with depression and one in three reported having experienced some form of depression. This is even more relevant in this current crisis.

Training Program Helps San Diegans Launch Meaningful Careers in Region’s Priority Sector

February 18, 2021

Two men on ground in hard hats working on piping

Twenty San Diegans impacted by the COVID-19 health and economic crisis donned hard hats and picked up construction tools to embark on a paid, four-week hands-on training program preparing them for high-paying and rewarding careers in the region’s growing energy, construction and utilities sector. To date, 19 of the 20 graduates have received full-time job offers.

The Need for Stable Scheduling in San Diego’s Service Sectors

February 4, 2021

Female Barista Giving Parcel And Coffee To Customer

Service-sector businesses and their workers can benefit from more predictable and stable work schedules. The San Diego Workforce Partnership is working with businesses to develop innovative scheduling strategies because we believe stable schedules serve the “double bottom line”—both increasing profits (primarily through savings on turnover and absenteeism) and increasing workers’ quality of life.

Board Member Profile: Meet Kurling Robinson of Fōkcus

February 4, 2021

Kurling Robinson

Kurling Robinson is a co-founder, musician and start-up visionary with over 25 years of expertise in software development and entrepreneurship. Here he tells us a little about himself, including why he thinks workforce development is so important for San Diego County.