Finding a new direction with the Workforce Partnership career centers

June 4, 2021


After losing her job as a protective service worker, Diana Lopez, became a member of the North County Career Centers, where she sought out training and found more resources than she expected. Read on as Diana tells in her own words how the career center workshops and services helped her land a new job.

Staff Profile: Meet Andrew Picard

June 3, 2021


After seven years with the San Diego Workforce Partnership, our Chief Programs Officer Andrew Picard is leaving to pursue an opportunity that will allow him to continue to help San Diegans. Here we asked about him about his time with the Workforce Partnership and what workforce development has meant to him.

The San Diego Seniors Community Foundation is working to improve the vitality of all seniors in San Diego

May 6, 2021

Sdscf No Seniors Alone

The San Diego Seniors Community Foundation (SDSCF) is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, established in 2017. Their singular focus is to improve the vitality of all seniors in San Diego County so they are physically active, socially connected and receive the

Board Member Profile: Althea Salas of San Diego Tourism Authority

May 4, 2021

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Althea Salas currently serves as the VP of Human Resources overseeing the human resources function with the San Diego Tourism Authority. She is also the president of the San Diego chapter of the Society for Human Resources Managers. Here she tells us a little bit about her.

Staff Profile: Meet Daniella Molina

May 3, 2021


“Flexibility and adaptability has been the theme of my work during the pandemic.” Daniella Molina is a lead program specialist at the San Diego Workforce Partnership. Here she tells us a little about herself, both personally and professionally.

Employment Recovery Initiative helps veteran find quality job

April 30, 2021


Daniel Maclean is a veteran who had a difficult time finding employment in the civilian workforce. His more than 15 years employment experience and 20-year military career as a Navy Seal were simply not landing him a job in what turned out to be a very different job market than he was used to. Then he found the Workforce Partnership.