On October 19, United States Department of Labor Regional Administrator Virginia Hamilton led a panel of regional workforce development board leaders to share their experience and successes with Customer-Centered Design (CCD). Andrew Picard, San Diego Workforce Partnership’s (SDWP) Director of Adult Programs, was one of the panelists who shared success stories on a number of CCD projects SDWP has tackled, including both projects — Rapid Re-employment for Dislocated Workers and H.Y.P.E. (Helping Youth Pursue Excellence) — that won CCD competitions and were chosen to be presented at the White House.
The event, which took place in San Francisco at the Small Business Administration, brought together leaders of IDEO, the firm who has pioneered CCD in both the public and private sector, with the Small Business Development Corporation, nonprofit leaders and other workforce industry leaders from across the state.
Topics discussed included inter- and cross-departmental projects focused on better serving out-of-school-youth, the formerly incarcerated, recently laid off workers and more. Along with the information sharing came a brainstorming session on potential new CCD projects that can help workforce development professionals understand the needs of the employers, job seekers and entrepreneurs of tomorrow.