Rebecca Bianconi is a Project Coordinator at the San Diego Workforce Partnership. Here she describes her role, discusses what she likes best about working in workforce development and shares one of her proudest professional moments.
Tell us about your role at SDWP.
As a Project Coordinator I promote strong relationships with SDWP board members, community stakeholders and staff through effective board administration, database management and HR support.
What do you like best about working in workforce development?
In my heart of hearts I feel that we are all connected and part of something bigger than ourselves. We are responsible for each other. The work we do at SDWP promotes the success of job seekers and employers all over San Diego County — we give hope. Workforce development allows me to make a positive impact on the lives of others.
What professional moment or project are you most proud of?
I am most proud of my efforts in implementing the 3M model of employee engagement at SDWP; the models are meaning, mastery and membership. The activities I coordinate are opportunities for my co-workers to develop deep skills, honor their individuality and reinforce a larger purpose. An engaged employee wants to give their best each day, which means the people we serve get our very best.