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November 9, 2015

SDWP is excited to announce the launch of the new Data Dashboard at The site includes data for frequently referenced metrics about the workforce, including demographics, wages, employment and unemployment. Additionally, the 2014 Priority Sector reports are recreated in an interactive environment, in-demand jobs are profiled, and the recently released Workforce Initiatives database are all available on the site.

Labor Market Info

This section includes:

  • Demographics (e.g., population, educational attainment)
  • Wage (e.g., median household income, self-sufficiency wage)
  • Employment (e.g., job change by educational attainment, employment to population ratio)
  • Unemployment (e.g., U-3 & U-6 unemployment rates, labor force participation)

Priority Sectors

This section includes interactive charts from the 2014 Priority Sector reports, which can also be found at

In-Demand Jobs

This section includes profiles of over 80 jobs that are in-demand in San Diego County, including the occupations studied in the 2014 Priority Sector reports. Each occupational profile includes fast facts, growth charts and more. You can explore these occupations using filters such as annual job openings, growth rate and wage.

Workforce Initiatives

The 492 active workforce initiatives profiled in the 2015 report Priority Sectors: Workforce Initiatives in San Diego County are included in this database. You can explore these initiatives using filters such as sector or type of initiative.

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