SDWP announced its Policy Board members for calendar year 2014. Supervisor Ron Roberts will serve as board chair and City of San Diego Council Member Myrtle Cole will serve as vice-chair.
Policy Board members include:
- Kevin Crawford, President and CEO, United Way of San Diego County
- City of San Diego Council Member Myrtle Cole (Vice Chair)
- San Diego County Supervisor Ron Roberts (Chair)
- San Diego County Supervisor Dave Roberts
- City of San Diego Council Member Scott Sherman
New to the board are Supervisor Dave Roberts, Councilmember Scott Sherman and Kevin Crawford.
Outgoing board members are Supervisor Greg Cox, and Councilmembers Lorie Zapf and David Alvarez. We thank them for their service.
The SDWP Policy Board is comprised of two County Supervisors, two San Diego City Council members, and a representative of the United Way Board of Directors. The Board receives recommendations from the Workforce Investment Board, appoints members to the Workforce Investment Board, determines final funding initiatives and determines objectives based upon factors such as geographic distribution and need.