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August 19, 2016

The San Diego Monthly Employment Report (June 2016 to July 2016) shows increases in the civilian unemployment rate, labor force and employment.Labor market highlights for June 2016

The California Employment Development Department (EDD) reported an increase in San Diego’s unemployment rate from 5.1 percent in June to 5.3 percent in July, but remains below the year-ago estimate of 5.5 percent.

The 5.3 percent unemployment rate falls below the highest July unemployment rate (11.1 percent in 2010) but remains higher than the lowest July unemployment rate (4.4 percent in 2006) experienced in the region over the last 10 years.


San Diego & California unemployment rates
Civilian labor force & employment numbers

Leisure & Hospitality recorded the largest month-over gain of 2,000 jobs as employers continue to ramp up employment for the summer tourist season. Arts, Entertainment and Recreation accounted for over half of the sector’s job growth (1,100 jobs added). Four other sectors saw employment growth, with Construction adding 1,100 jobs primarily due to increases in Specialty Trade Contractors (800 jobs added) and Building Equipment Contractors (500 jobs added).

Five sectors reported month-over job losses, with Government experiencing the largest employment decline of 13,500 jobs, as a result of classrooms closing for summer break.1 Of this loss, 10,000 came from local government education.


San Diego County month-over job gains & losses

From July 2015 to July 2016, all but one sector experienced job growth. Leisure & Hospitality added 7,000 jobs to the region, with 100 percent of this growth coming from Accommodation & Food Services, while Arts, Entertainment & Recreation remained unchanged. Educational & Health Services also added 7,000 jobs, with Health Care and Social Assistance adding 5,600 jobs, and Educational Services adding 1,400 jobs. Seven other sectors also experienced job growth, including Government (5,700 jobs added) and Professional & Business Services (4,500). Information was the only sector to experience a decrease in jobs (-200).

San Diego County Year-Over Job Gains & Losses


Despite month-over losses in five sectors, San Diego County continues to experience year-over gains in a majority of sectors. Additionally, San Diego’s unemployment rate remains lower than the California rate of 5.9 percent. 

1Ann Marshall, “Nonfarm employment down 11,300 jobs over the month; up by 28,100 jobs over the year,” San Diego-Carlsbad Metropolitan Statistical Area (San Diego County), Employment Development Department, Labor Market Information Division, August 19, 2016.

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