Career counselors, job developers, educators, and community associates are invited to join the SDWP Research Department as it presents the findings of the In-Demand Jobs bi-annual report at career centers throughout the county. The report analyzes the top 50 growing occupations in San Diego, providing attendees valuable knowledge about workforce trends.
In-Demand Jobs Upcoming Events:
March 17, 10-11 a.m.
East County Career Center
924 E. Main St.
El Cajon, CA 92021
March 27, 8:30-9:30 a.m.
North County Career Center
1949 Avenida del Oro, Suite 106
Oceanside, CA 92056
In addition to the information presented by the SDWP Research Department, Joe Briceño, a labor market consultant with the California Employment Development Department (EDD), will be a guest speaker at both events, covering state and regional trends.
The SDWP Research Department analyzes workforce needs and trends that are used by educators, trainers, employers, and researchers. It reports on San Diego’s economy, wages and salaries, occupational projections, and various employment statistics.