From refugee to refuge: Lian Thang’s story

October 14, 2015

When the Burmese Army began making life difficult for his and nearby villages, Lian Thang knew he had to flee for his safety. In 2008, when Lian was 14, he left his home in Chin State in western Burma and

Expanded Subsidized Employment program helps mother of two turn family’s life around

October 14, 2015

Chante Yuban Brookins was working as a preschool teacher when she lost her job. For the next two months, she took on the odd cleaning or babysitting job. For the rest of the following year Chante did not have luck

52 Weeks of Science kicks-off weekly learning events

October 7, 2015

Organized by the Reuben H. Fleet Science Center, 52 Weeks of Science is a means to unite partners with the goal of bringing accessible science learning to the community every week of the year. More than 30 organizations have come

Former teen mom joins staff at agency that helped her succeed

October 7, 2015

Ashley Rodriguez could have been a statistic. Using drugs between 13 and 15, she dropped out of school in 10th grade and became a single parent at 16.  Instead, two years later she joined Pathways to Success (P2S) — funded

25th annual summit celebrates South County’s vibrant cross-border economy

October 5, 2015

The South County Economic Development Council (SCEDC) hosted its 25th annual Economic Summit on October 2 at the San Diego Convention Center. More than 400 business and community leaders attended this year’s event. The summit kicked off with a panel

High-demand job fairs connect San Diego employers and job seekers

October 1, 2015

Last year, both the City and County proclaimed September Workforce Development Month in San Diego. It’s only fitting that this September was filled with job fairs to connect San Diego job seekers and employers. On September 16, 493 job seekers

150 stakeholders advocate for regional issues in Washington, D.C.

September 30, 2015

More than 150 business executives, elected officials, and community leaders joined the San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce and President & CEO Jerry Sanders for the ninth annual “One Region, One Voice” advocacy trip to Washington, D.C. This year, the

SDWP staff profile: Meet Kim Nguy

September 25, 2015

Kim Nguy is Payroll/Contract Invoice Specialist at the San Diego Workforce Partnership. She just celebrated her 40th anniversary with the organization. Here she describes her role, discusses what she likes best about working in workforce development and shares one of

San Diego unemployment rate decreases 0.3% in August

September 18, 2015

The San Diego Monthly Employment Report (July 2015 to August 2015) finds decreases in the civilian unemployment rate as well as the labor force. Highlights from the report include: San Diego’s unemployment rate was 5.1 percent in August, down 0.3

Conference sponsors make investment in San Diego’s workforce

September 16, 2015

On November 5, the 2nd Annual San Diego Workforce Conference will present research and current efforts being employed to identify, tackle and close San Diego’s skills gap. The event and information being presented is the result of collaboration with community