With another year in the books, we’ve collected some milestones, highlights and accomplishments from 2015 to celebrate.
In 2015:
Our adult and youth programs served more than 20,000 job seekers and added $66.2 million in wages to the economy.
- Several new grants, including one to help individuals who are experiencing long-term unemployment, were awarded to SDWP.
- We were awarded a DOL grant that enables us to open a career center at the Sheriff’s Department’s East Mesa Reentry Facility. The project, called Reentry Works San Diego, will serve an estimated 600 inmates.
- More than 880 young adults (up from 700 in 2014) got jobs through our coordinated efforts: CONNECT2Careers, LSSI and with our funded partners.
- The #MyFirstJobSD video campaign was launched to raise awareness of the need to provide employment opportunities for young adults.
At our Workforce Conference, we released new reports to over 500 attendees: in-depth data on small business, middle-skills jobs, and initiatives addressing the skills gap in our region’s Priority Sectors.
- Priority Sector posters were created and distributed to hundreds of schools and organizations throughout the region, highlighting in-demand jobs, wages, education and skills needed for these careers.
- We updated our governance structure with the formation of the Workforce Development Board.
We would like to thank our board and committee members and community for their continued support as we seek to make even greater strides for quality workforce programs in 2016.