During the Workforce Development Board meeting on June 16, County of San Diego Supervisor Dave Roberts — along with County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) Director and Deputy Chief Administrative Officer Nick Macchione and Deputy Director of Central and South Regions of County of San Diego HHSA Barbara Jiménez — presented the San Diego Workforce Partnership with a proclamation declaring SDWP an official Live Well San Diego partner, and June 16 to be “San Diego Workforce Partnership Live Well San Diego Day” throughout San Diego County.
The Live Well San Diego initiative is about uniting all sectors — business, schools, military and veterans’ organizations, community- and faith-based organizations, and all levels of government — in order to bring about positive change.
SDWP is an example of what this initiative looks like in the nonprofit sector by building a strong workforce, providing targeted employment services so eligible job seekers can identify careers that will promote their success, and preparing youth for high school graduation, post-secondary education and a career by funding youth programs and providing work-readiness training. SDWP also promotes health and wellness internally with activities like the recent formation of the SDWP softball team.
The proclamation states that the County of San Diego recognizes and honors institutions that are dedicated to the best ideals of public service, and commends the San Diego Workforce Partnership for its outstanding service, leadership, and commitment to the health and wellness of county residents.
“This designation is an honor,” said SDWP CEO Peter Callstrom. “The San Diego Workforce Partnership has partnered with the County of San Diego on many successful programs including the Health Profession Opportunity Grants and Supported Employment Initiative for the Adult and Older Adult System of Care. We look forward to creating other partnerships for the improved well-being of our region’s residents.”