April Greenwood is a wife and mother of six. Prior to learning about the training and resources available through the Bridge to Employment program, Greenwood was a stay-at-home mom receiving assistance from San Diego County. She spent what free time she had researching how to build a career that could help her support her family.
In late 2011, Greenwood enrolled in the Bridge to Employment Program, which is made possible through the San Diego Workforce Partnership’s Health Profession Opportunity Grants (HPOG), awarded by the Department of Health and Human Services. Through SDWP-funded partner Comprehensive Training System (CTS), the program serves Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) recipients and other low-income individuals in healthcare occupations. Participants are offered tuition assistance, personalized support and help with job search activities.
“Knowing the program provided me with a tremendous amount of support during school gave me a peace of mind,” says Greenwood (pictured at right speaking to the SDWP Workforce Investment Board about her experience). “With transportation assistance, tuition assistance and utility bill assistance, there was no excuse in failure. The assistance allowed me to have sense of no worries so I could focus on my education.” As part of the program, Greenwood also received job leads and networking tools tailored to her field.
In 2013 Greenwood became a Licensed Vocational Nurse working in home health agencies with pediatric patients.
Greenwood explains that she and her family have been through hardships, but through the Bridge to Employment program, they now have more stability in a growing professional field. “Our income has tripled with the licensing I have earned,” she says.
Greenwood is currently completing courses to be admitted to Western Governors University’s bachelor’s in nursing degree program. After successfully completing this in two years, she plans to attend SDSU to get her master’s in nursing, specializing in women’s health and midwifery.
Greenwood says she greatly appreciates that the County offers these programs, and feels strongly that people should utilize these programs to help advance in their lives. “I will continue to work hard for me and my family,” she adds. “And in the end, I will give back to those who have experienced hardships as well as programs like these in order to help many more people who have high hopes and goals for their future!”
To learn more about Bridge to Employment visit, https://workforce.org/news/participants-needed-looking-career-healthcare.
To learn more about HPOG, visit https://workforce.org/grants/2010/09/30/health-professional-opportunity-grant.
To learn more about CTS, visit www.ctsjobs.org.