SDWP Vice President of Programs Andy Hall has been invited to join a statewide workgroup of the California Workforce Investment Board (CWIB) to discuss Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) implementation, particularly data sharing, systems, performance, and common metrics that will be utilized across the state.
Members of the planning committee include representatives from the CWIB, Employment Development Department, Department of Social Services, Department of Education, California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office, Department of Rehabilitation, Department of Education, and the Employment Training Panel.
“It’s critical that local workforce investment areas are invited to participate in this important discussion”, says Hall. “WIOA requires us to create a single set of common measures across WIOA programs, vocational rehabilitation, adult education and literacy, Wagner-Peyser programs, and other key partners. We are glad to be part of the planning phase that will lead to a more streamlined and effective workforce system for all participants across the state.”
CWIB is responsible for assisting the governor in performing the duties and responsibilities required by the federal Workforce Investment Act of 1998 and now WIOA, including setting and guiding policy in the area of workforce development. The statewide workforce investment system is comprised of 49 Local Workforce Investment Areas, each with its own business-led Local Workforce Investment Board. SDWP is the local board for San Diego County.