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April 3, 2017

Coronado Rotary Club

SDWP has been the expert on San Diego County workforce issues for 40+ years. Because of this, our team is honored to be invited to engage with the community through events. This month, SDWP CEO Peter Callstrom had the privilege of sharing our programs and the state of regional workforce development at a variety of engagements, including those hosted by the Coronado Rotary Club and the North San Diego Business Chamber.

On March 22, Callstrom spoke at the Coronado Rotary Club at the Hotel Del Coronado as part of its weekly lunchtime speaker series.

Callstrom shared information on the local workforce system and the services SDWP provides to employers and job seekers, including laid off workers, people with disabilities, veterans, justice-involved, young adults and more. Callstrom focused on the 53,000 disconnected young adults in San Diego County — people between the ages of 16–24 who are not in school or working.

Callstrom, a Rotarian himself, appreciates the opportunity to interact with members of the Coronado Rotary Club, who have in the past generously contributed to one of SDWP’s funded partners, San Pasqual Academy, a residential education campus designed specifically for foster teens.

“The spirit of volunteerism is alive and well at the Coronado Rotary Club,” says Callstrom. “Its members are working to make our region a better place through its philanthropic efforts.”

The Coronado Rotary Club was established in 1926 and boasts more than 230 members.

On March 30, Callstrom was a part of the North San Diego Business Chamber’s Economic Impact of Higher Education on our Regional Economy event. San Diego has thousands of students attending both traditional and non-traditional institutions of higher education. These institutions are vital in preparing the workforce that will have a significant impact on spending in the region. Callstrom joined other local leaders — Erik Bruvold, Chief Economist, National University System; Matthew J. Ceppi, Associate Vice President for Institutional Planning and Analysis and
 Chief of Staff, California State University San Marcos; and Charlie Piscitello, Senior Vice President, Chief People Officer, Petco — in this important conversation discussing:

  • Impact of institutions on the region’s economy
  • Projected regional demand for employees with a college degree
  • Current innovation that will impact higher education in the future
  • Gaps in the current higher education/workforce landscape from an employer’s perspective
  • Cost of retaining talented workforce

Are you seeking an expert to speak about the labor market?

Our team is available to speak on many topics, including:

  • Labor market trends
  • Local workforce development challenges and opportunities
  • Workforce issues such as:
    • Youth and young adults
    • Dislocated workers
    • People with disabilities
    • Veterans
    • Formerly incarcerated
    • Long-term unemployed
  • Employer hiring and training incentives
  • San Diego Priority Sectors
  • SDWP research reports

To schedule, contact Desiree Roughton at

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