WIOA Youth RFP Questions and Answers
Updated: November 10, 2020
Q: Regarding Tier 1 and 2, does the Provider have the discretion to identify what material is covered/ curriculum used to cover “required” topics?
A: Workforce Partnership staff will provide more details on what is required under BEST closer to the start of the contract. BEST will be a network-wide partnership between SDWP and all subrecipients where the material is widely available and accessible to all enrolled youth. Subrecipients will work with SDWP to develop different workshops, trainings, and topics based on what is submitted in response to the RFP under the Solutions Proposal. The attachment “Basic and Essential Skills Trainings” is in draft and will not be finalized until April/May 2021.
Q: It states that Tier 1 must be completed before enrollment into core education, training, and/or employment activities. In Tracks A and D where the Core Program Services include enrolling youth back into secondary education, does this imply a youth (minors under the age of 18) would have to complete 20 hours of training before enrolling into high school? A minor, under the age of 18, is required by law to attend high school. Can a youth concurrently be enrolled into High School and completing Tier 1 skills training?
A: Tier 1 activities are designed to prepare youth for core program activities (i.e. work readiness training, tutoring, and basic skills) and should be completed prior to enrolling into core program activities.
Subrecipients will need to determine whether a young adult must be enrolled into school based on their age at the time of enrollment. That determination would supersede the requirement to complete Tier 1 prior to enrolling into secondary school.
Yes, youth could be concurrently enrolled into BEST training and secondary education.
Q: Are we interpreting correctly that all youth are required to complete Tier 1 & Tier 2 of BEST courses? And providers are required to offer both the corresponding incentives ($100 for Tier 1, $125 for Tier 2) for each youth in addition to the stipend offered ($10/hr- 28 hours minimum for tier 1 & 2)? Or are we able to decide based on program design whether we offer the incentive or stipend? If both are required, and for every youth, then we are looking at these two costs alone taking up about 10% of our overall budget ($600,000 proposal) not including any other incentives or participant costs.
A: Yes, Youth will receive both a stipend and incentive under the BEST trainings. Youth will receive an hourly stipend to participate in each of the courses, plus an incentive for completion of each of the tiers.
The policy is in DRAFT mode and can be modified based on availability of funding.
We do anticipate higher participant costs, which will have direct benefit to the participant. There is also in-kind match required for participant costs, which will supplement the array of costs associated with each participant, including wages, trainings, supportive services etc.
Q: What is the definition of the referenced “stackable certificate” in regards to completing the required minimum hours in each Tier of BEST?
A: Completion of a BEST training will result in a stackable certificate and an earned incentive for youth. It is defined as “a credential that is part of a sequence of credentials that can be accumulated over time to build up an individual’s qualifications and move an individual along a career pathway or up a career ladder.”
BEST stackable certificates cannot be used towards WIOA performance.
Q: What happens if a youth enrolls into education before completing Tier 1 skills trainings? Would they still be eligible to continue with additional services along specified Track? Would they still be counted towards program performance?
A: Yes, youth can continue with services in their identified track if they enroll into education and would still count towards performance. Much of what is included in BEST will assist youth with successfully completing goals and staying engaged in WIOA program services through follow up.
The subrecipient would be held accountable to meeting contractual obligations outlined in their contract and policies and procedures outlined in the Operations Manual.
Q: What happens if a youth obtains employment before completing Tier 1 and Tier 2 skills training? Would they still be counted towards program performance?
A: Yes, they would still count towards performance. Much of what is included in BEST will assist youth with successfully completing goals and staying engaged in WIOA program services through follow up.
Q: For collaborative proposals with two partners, should we submit two budgets or should all costs be included on one budget submitted by lead agency and then detailed on the budget narrative?
A: The budget should be submitted by lead agency and the partner should be budgeted under programmatic subcontract costs as a subaward and then detailed in the budget narrative.
Q: If awarded, are payments processed on a monthly basis?
A: Yes, contracts are cost reimbursement and are processed monthly. Accounting procedure guidance is provided in the San Diego Workforce Partnership Operations Manual Chapter 6. Financial Management.
Q: Is hospitality one of the business sectors included in this program?
A: Respondents must demonstrate business partnerships in their responses, which includes a range of in-demand industries, including hospitality and tourism. There will be an opportunity to network with potential bidders at the end of our Orientation on Thursday to develop partnerships if you are interested. Please access our website to register https://workforce.org/rfps/2020/07/08/youthrfp2020/.
Q: Will the awardee for the County Wide RFP be expected to pay for AJCC infrastructure costs? If so what is the projected?
A: Yes, the subrecipient will be expected to pay for at least one staff to be located at the comprehensive career centers. Cost in chart below is based on square foot, so it will depend on how much space is needed.
Rent |
Cost/Mo |
SF |
Cost/SF |
Oceanside |
7,229 |
3,271 |
2.21 |
Metro |
59,288 |
32,400 |
1.83 |
S. County |
40,219 |
19,867 |
2.02 |
Q: Will the youth need to be both immigrants/refugees and ELL’s or do you mean they could be the dependents of immigrants/refugees, naturalized, and ELL’s?
A: The eligibility for population specific strategy for ELL, Immigrant and Refugee will be “AND/OR,” so:
- Immigrant; AND/OR
- Refugee
The youth will need to meet a minimum of one to be considered eligible.
Q: How can regional community colleges collaborate?
A: Regional Community Colleges are eligible to apply both on their own, or as part of a collaboration with another entity. You would review the RFP, once released, and determine where you feel your programs and services can best serve youth. We will also host a meeting in mid-September after the RFP has been released to answer any questions people may have. You can find updates on the scheduling of this meeting at: https://workforce.org/rfps/2020/07/08/youthrfp2020/
Q: Can your organization be on more than one application?
A: Yes. We encourage collaboration and know that may mean that one organization appears on multiple applications.
Q: Can you share the percent of each of the four specific youth populations compared to total Opportunity Youth?
A: Total Population = 394,957
- Justice Involved – 1.19%
- Homeless/Housing Insecure – 1.77%
- Immigrant/Refugee/ELL – 6.72%
- Black Youth – 7.29%
Q: Can you share the list of attendees of the Town Hall meetings?
A: While this was a public meeting, we are unable to share a list of attendees as we didn’t ask permission to share this information.
Q: Does Justice Involved include individuals on probation or parole as well as those who have been on probation or parole?
A: Based on the definition in Chapter 7 Part 2 – Table of Documentation to Establish WIOA Eligibility
- OFFENDER – An individual a) who is or has been subject to any stage of the criminal justice process, and for whom services under this Act may be beneficial; or b) who requires assistance in overcoming artificial barriers to employment resulting from a record of arrest or conviction. Reference: Page 4 of TEGL 21-16
Q: Does Homeless/Housing Insecure include foster care youth?
A: Foster youth should be referred to the foster youth program, but if they are also homeless, then yes, they can be enrolled. All barriers must be documented during eligibility.
Q: I wanted to explore why individuals with intellectual/cognitive disabilities were not listed as part of the subrecipient populations eligible for grant funding. Individuals with intellectual disabilities have historically had an unemployment rate of around 86% in San Diego County, which may be even lower than some of the subrecipient groups targeted by the grant. Just curious why individuals with disabilities were not included in these eligible subgroups?
A: Individuals with disabilities are included under eligibility for the Youth One Stop Career Center Services RFP on pages 12-14. Additionally, youth with disabilities can also qualify under the Population Specific strategies, as long as they also meet that criterion. We encourage organizations to develop partnerships in response to these RFP’s to serve all eligible youth populations.
Q: Why are youth with disabilities not included in the list of specific youth populations to be served by one of the four subrecipients? According to the RFP information, TAY with disabilities are not one of the specific youth populations in need of support to find work even though I would imagine they make up a much larger percentage of unemployed youth than a couple of the individual subgroups (though I may be wrong about that of course). Regardless, it seems that TAY with disabilities should be added as a specific youth population or is this entirely dependent on language in the WIOA?
A: Individuals with disabilities are included under eligibility for the Youth One Stop Career Center Services RFP on pages 12-14. Additionally, youth with disabilities can also qualify under the Population Specific strategies, as long as they also meet that criterion. We encourage organizations to develop partnerships in response to these RFP’s to serve all eligible youth populations.
Q: Will a recording of the Respondents Orientation be available afterwards in case we are unable to participate on Thursday?
A: The presentation and recording is posted to our website at https://workforce.org/rfps/2020/07/08/youthrfp2020/
Q: How is San Diego Workforce Partnership defining refugees? Does it include the children of refugees?
A: Refugees are defined as any individual who:
- Is outside his or her country of nationality who is unable or unwilling to return to that country
- Is of special humanitarian concern to the United States Demonstrates that they were persecuted or fear persecution due to race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group
- Is not firmly resettled in another country Is admissible to the United States
Children of refugees are not a specific qualifier of WIOA services. Children of refugees would need to meet eligibility for the contract, specifically the age (16-24), school status (out of school), and be a refugee themselves to be eligible. It’s possible that they could qualify as an English Language Learner as a child of a refugee, upon assessment.
Q: Do you anticipate any RFPs focused on in school youth will be released soon?
A: The career center services provider will be serving in-school youth, including refugees (maximum 5% of enrollments). There will not be additional funding for in-school youth.
Q: How is Workforce defining out of school youth? A week? A month? Six months?
A: There is no set time frame in the out of school youth eligibility definition. Out of school youth is defined as:
- Dropout Youth
- A youth who has graduated or attained a Secondary School Diploma or Equivalent, but not currently attending any school
- Enrolled in WIOA Title II Adult Education
- Enrolled in YouthBuild
- Enrolled in Job Corps
- Enrolled in a high-school equivalency program not in a public K-12 school system (Title 20 CFR Section 681.230)
- Enrolled in a drop out re-engagement program
Enrolled in a charter school exclusively in partnership with WIOA, YouthBuild, Job Corps, or CA Conservation Corps
Q: Does the $17.65 apply for the entire agency?
A: The self-sufficiency wage (under Job Quality) applies to all staff positions (both support and program) that are charging to this grant.
Note: The self-sufficiency wage will be updated annually.
Q: If an org does not have physical spaces around the County, is the expectation that we partner (with a sub-award) with an organization that are located in the parts of the County that are uncovered?
A: Organizations will need to have one permanent location, but can be flexible in providing services such as virtual access points or mobile sites, and utilize community partners to provide those access points (either in-kind or subcontracted)
In your responses please provide the communities and the target zip codes that you’re servicing. You’ll need to provide access points for those areas. Aside from the career centers having to be in the main sites, our Population specific services will need to have one location in SD County, but offer different access points in order for the youth to have a variety of places to utilize services. The virtual world can also be used as an access point. It is up to your design based on the requirements.
Q: Can you please elaborate on the dual enrollment (ELL/Immigrant/Refugee + One Stop Services for Youth) requirement?
A: Both the population specific subrecipient and the career center will provide coordinated services for this population. This strategy is based on a pilot program where two organizations provided Career Navigation services to better assist this population of participants. The services provided by each organization will be individualized based on each participant’s needs but will not be duplicated. The coordination of services and partnership will be developed after the partners are identified. Both partners will be held accountable to performance outcomes.
Q: Do Transition Aged Youth, many of whom may be homeless, fit into the population eligibility if they are not homeless?
A: Transition Aged Youth are not a specific qualifier of WIOA services. Youth must meet the definition of “Homeless”, which can be found on page 8 of https://workforce.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Table-of-Documentation_Youth_REV_01-2020.pdf
Q: I understand that the subcontractors (population specific) will need physical sites throughout the County, but will they need to leverage other funding to staff each site with staff supporting WIOA?
A: You will need to provide access points in areas (identified by zip code). How you provide those access points will be outlined in your program design responses. This may include leveraging resources or partnerships to provide added locations. You will need to identify how you will use all WIOA funds in your budget documents, including staffing and location expenses.
Q: Will the evaluation of these proposals be aligned with demographics by population and sub-region (e.g. zip code or neighborhood)?
A: Respondents will provide zip codes and identify communities for outreach in their response to the specific RFP and/or Population.
The evaluation will be aligned with the information provided in the responses to the questions under the solutions proposal, specifically “Outreach, Recruitment, and Eligibility,” and throughout the proposal narrative.
Q: What documentation is required for housing insecure youth?
A: Housing insecure youth must meet the definition of “Homeless” in WIOA. The current documentation required can be found on page 8 of https://workforce.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Table-of-Documentation_Youth_REV_01-2020.pdf. This is subject to change based on any local, state, and federal policy updates.
Q: Would youth who fit population specific categories be required to enroll with population specific provider or is there flexibility there to enroll with any of the providers based on customer choice?
A: Youth who fit under population specific categories will be encouraged to enroll with the contract that is specifically procured to serve that population. Subrecipients will be encouraged (see Enhanced Performance) to refer these youth to the appropriate program, or dual-enroll them, as appropriate.
Youth may also enroll in a program they choose, so long as they meet the eligibility criteria identified for that specific program, as outlined in Section II. of the RFP.
Q: For “Out of School Youth”, can we be funded to provide a specific service such as education (high school diploma) for that specific population and provide other services as secondary?
A: If you’re an expert in a specific area that falls under WIOA services, you can partner with additional organization(s) to provide those services. The lead organization(s) are responsible for providing all the WIOA services outlined in the program design. In RFP responses, you will need to demonstrate how you can provide each of those (Reference Attachment – 14 Youth Program Elements), either directly through your organization or through established partnerships.
If you are an organization looking to partner with someone who provides a specific WIOA service they would in-kind or subcontract with you in order to provide that service.
Q: What is the expected relationship with the K-12 system for applicants?
A: Expected partnerships depend on the contract, populations, and services provided – They are embedded in the program design.
Career centers will need to develop partnerships with ISY systems (including K-12) to serve ISY. All programs will need to develop partnerships to demonstrate ability to provide WIOA services and outcomes (including education). The 14 Youth program Elements include educational services that need to be available to all participants.
BEST Training will include study skills training, tutoring, instruction, etc. Other services include post-secondary preparation and alternative schooling. Also, respondents will need to develop partnerships to support outcomes, including placement in education (secondary/post secondary).
Q: Can you please remind us how much $ will be allocated to “one-stop” type of services versus population specific contracts?
A: $1.9 million for Youth One-Stop Career Center RFP and $2.4 for Population Specific RFP. Anticipated population specific contracts will range from $400,000-$700,000 depending on total funds available, services provided, and number served. Applicant proposals should not exceed $600,000.
Q: [For training programs], does the training company have to be on the San Diego Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL)?
A: No, that is one option. They must be:
- Locally approved on the ETPL;
- Locally approved on the Youth Services Education Provider List (YSEPL); or
- A registered apprenticeship or pre-apprenticeship program
All training programs will need to be registered on CalJOBS to receive WIOA funds. The first option is the ETPL, which is an adult funded program; the participant would need to be at least 18 years of age and dual-enrolled at the Adult Career Center in order to leverage the ETPL. If the training program is not listed on ETPL, the program can register as a Youth Services Education Provider based on our local criteria, or register as a registered pre-Apprenticeship or Apprenticeship (Department of Labor or Department of Apprenticeship Standards (State).
Q: Can you explain the lead and partner procurement process required by awardee? If you partner on a proposal, does the lead have to procure the other partners?
A: Respondents are encouraged to submit collaborative applications, with specific partners named in the proposal. Once awarded, you will need to follow your own, internal procurement processes related to partner selection if any WIOA funds are allocated to the partners. Lead agencies are required to have formal contracts with partners that include monitoring, compliance, outcome and budget tracking, and any other reporting for which the Lead is responsible.
If you choose to work with a partner after you have been awarded by SDWP (and that partner was not listed in the original proposal), you must follow the procurement policy found in the Workforce Partnership’s Operations Manual, Chapter 3 – Procurement and Property Management https://workforce.org/operations-manual/.
Q: Are we expected to secure letters of support from all of these partners for the proposal?
A: No, providing letters of support is not required. You may want to include letters of support as additional attachments (limit of 10 pages), or you can write in partnerships on your proposal within your program design.
All partners (both internal and external), will be required to register on one of our platforms as part of tracking WIOA services.
Q: How many grants will be awarded?
A: One, One-Stop Youth Career Services contract will be awarded. One of each of the identified population specific contracts will be awarded (Four total).
A grand total of five contracts will be awarded based on the two RFP’s.
Q: Will there be weighted points or emphasis in the scope of work for partnerships with the public education system to leverage with WIOA I resources and increase the ROI?
A: Responses will be evaluated on strength of partnerships and collaboration strategy throughout the proposal. This is in addition to weighted points for each specific section and set of questions.
Q: Are you looking for a technology that creates an eco-system that allows collaboration with the entire community of non-traditional education, employers and a social network to disseminate information?
A: Workforce Partnership will provide the platforms for all program partners to access and share information and provide required data entry. Program partners will be able to enhance these platforms through a network-wide strategy for collaboration. Additional tools and resources are encouraged and welcomed.
Q: I am trying to clarify whether our organization should apply for this or wait until the RFP for Foster Youth comes out in 2021.
A: Foster Youth can also be served under these two RFPs. Under the population specific contracts, they will need to have an additional qualifying eligibility criteria. We are encouraging referrals to contracts who specialize in serving those populations, so we will recommend referring all new Foster Youth to the current Foster Youth contract as they seek services. Otherwise, you are correct, we will have a separate procurement for Foster Youth in 2021.
Q: You mentioned in the Respondents Orientation that if partners are mentioned in the proposal, they would not have to be procured after the award. Is the same true for subcontractors?
A: Respondents are encouraged to submit collaborative applications, with specific partners named in the proposal. Once awarded, you will need to follow your own, internal procurement processes related to partner selection if any WIOA funds are allocated to the partners. Lead agencies are required to have formal contracts with partners that include monitoring, compliance, outcome and budget tracking, and any other reporting for which the Lead is responsible.
If you choose to work with a partner after you have been awarded by SDWP (and that partner was not listed in the original proposal), you must follow the procurement policy found in the Workforce Partnership’s Operations Manual, Chapter 3 – Procurement and Property Management https://workforce.org/operations-manual/.
Q: Can you please differentiate between who is considered a partner and who is considered a subcontractor?
A: The terms are used interchangeably and can mean the same thing, depending on the context. Partners/subcontractors are any organizations who will be receiving WIOA funds. “Partners” would be used in context of program design, referrals, and delivery of services, whereas “subcontractor” is an official term of the organization, usually in contracts and legal documents, including the Operations Manual.
However, if a partner is not receiving WIOA funds, then they would not need to be procured as a subcontractor.
Q: What happens if you do not receive an application for one of the four prescribed populations?
A: We will re-release the RFP for that specific population.
Q: Do housing insecure clients (not homeless) need to have another barrier?
A: Housing insecure needs to meet the WIOA definition of “Homeless” to be eligible under that contract, which can be found on page 8 of https://workforce.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Table-of-Documentation_Youth_REV_01-2020.pdf
Q: If we are referred a client who does not meet our population specific definition, can we still serve them?
A: They must meet the criteria of your Population Specific contract to be eligible but can have additional barriers. If a client is referred to you does not meet your specific eligibility, you can refer them to the appropriate partner, including the Career Center.
Q: If we have current clients who meet the target population specific definition for the new RFP, if we are awarded, can they roll over into our new contract?
A: If you are currently funded and are awarded a new contract, you will retain and provide services to all enrolled your youth regardless of their eligibility status when they were enrolled.
Q: If we partner with another agency on a proposal, would our enrollments and data entry in CalJOBS be tracked separately (per agency) in CalJOBS system or would all staff from both agencies be included under the lead agency?
A: Enrollments will be tracked together for all partner agencies under one contract.
Q: Can organizations apply to more than one category?
A: Yes. You can apply to multiple specific populations and/or the countywide services.
Q: For agencies that have had contracts with SDWP in the last 2 years, I understand that we are required to have SDWP complete one of our Past Performance Questionnaires. Is there a specific point of contact at SDWP we should be reaching out to & having complete the form on our behalf?
A: You will reach out to your assigned Program Specialist to request that the past performance questionnaire be completed for your organization.
Q: It’s clear that some of the required positions (adult mentor, peer mentor) can be fulfilled by volunteers, are there any requirements as far as part-time vs. full time positions for each of the required roles?
A: No, there are no additional requirements for each of the required roles. Respondents are encouraged to propose creative staffing structures that may include full-time dedicated staff, shared positions, multiple part-time staff or other designs that have
proven to be successful in serving youth in the past.
Q: I am an individual applying and do not have a company yet. Individuals without established companies are encouraged to apply still, right?
A: The Workforce Partnership encourages the participation of Respondents who are certified as small businesses, minority-owned firms, women’s business enterprises, emerging businesses, disabled veteran businesses and disadvantaged businesses. By submitting a proposal, Respondents are agreeing to the terms outlined in the Attachment – Statement of Qualification which establishes the qualifications to bid for WIOA funds. As part of the RFP submission, Respondents must also have a Dun & Bradstreet number in which the federal government uses to track how federal money is allocated.
Q: Can the peer mentor position be an internship for and enrolled and/or formerly enrolled participant?
A: Peer Mentors can be paid staff or community volunteers. It is highly recommended that Peer Mentors be current (follow-up) or past participants and/or community members with similar lived experiences.
The Peer Mentor position can be a paid or unpaid internship for participants if it aligns with their career/educational goals identified on the ISS. Respondents will need to demonstrate how this structure will allow participants to complete their own goal/objectives while also supporting caseloads of other participants. They will also need to demonstrate how they plan on keeping this position filled on an ongoing basis.