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Virtual Resume Building - San Diego Workforce Partnership

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Monday, March 25, 2024 | 9–10 a.m.

Location: Zoom (virtual)

Resume Building WorkshopSee your resume from the employer’s perspective. Join a one-hour, interactive, virtual workshop to explore the latest strategies to help you stand out in today’s job market.

At this event you will:

  • Compare & contrast resume types
  • Learn about formatting and critical sections
  • Explore free online tools to identify skills, keywords and even sign up for a free resume review



ZOOM: We’re going to be broadcasting live via Zoom. Please download and install Zoom now to the device of your choice. Don’t worry, Zoom accounts are free. Here is a helpful guide to get you started.

Already have Zoom installed? Please check for software updates, because they release new versions all the time.

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