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Introducing the Workforce Chatbot

Your workforce assistant

Hello, I’m a virtual agent named Sam. I’m here to help you find resources here at the San Diego Workforce Partnership.

In order to direct you to the correct resources, please let us know which of the following you are: 

–  Job seeker
–  Business
–  Partner organization
–  Training provider

Job seeker

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Introducing the Workforce Chatbot

Your workforce assistant

I need help with hiring

We would love to help you with your hiring needs but will need a little more information. To discuss how we may be able to help, give us a call at (619) 228-2982.

For more information on our services, visit this page.

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Introducing the Workforce Chatbot

Your workforce assistant

Do you still have priority sector posters?

We offer posters and printouts that are available for pickup in Mission Valley or delivery in San Diego County. For more information on available options, visit our website page here. To submit a request to order posters or printouts, submit this form.


You’re welcome!

The Workforce Chatbot connects individuals to real-time information about job search and training resources available to all San Diego County residents.

La User

Job Seeker

La Suitcase Solid


La Users Solid

Partner Organization

La Book Reader Solid

Training Provider

La Clock

24/7 Services

Get your questions answered even when our offices are closed.

La Comments

Live Agents

Need more help? A live career agent will be with you shortly.

La Brain Solid

Growing Knowledge Base

New and updated information added weekly

Click “Let’s Chat!” in the bottom right corner or text (619) 319-WORK(9675) to connect.

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