Operations Issuance: 2021-11
Issuance Number: 2021-11
Date: September 8, 2021
To: San Diego Workforce Partnership WIOA Subrecipients
From: Shaina Gross, Vice President of Client Services
Subject: Update to Attachment - Customized Training and Contracted Training Education Policies and Procedures & Exhibits
This operations issuance is to notify Workforce Partnership (Workforce Partnership) subrecipients of changes to the Attachment – Customized Training (CT) and Contracted Training Education (CET) Policies and Procedures and Exhibits found in Chapter 4. Part 1: Adult and Dislocated Worker Program Activities.
Below is a summary of the updates. Subrecipients should review the referenced attachment and exhibits for details.
Attachment Update
- Updated CET/CT Agreement development process
- Previous process
- Exhibit – Training Application was completed by training provider/career center staff and then a service agreement was created by Workforce Partnership staff
- New process
- Exhibit – CT/CET agreement is completed between the training provider and career center provider and becomes the contract and is a legally binding agreement made between the training provider/employer and the career center service provider
- Exhibit – Training Application has been replaced with Exhibit – CT/CET agreement
- Updated process for submitting invoice
Exhibit – CT/CET Agreement
- Agreement Number sequence is as follows: CET-XXXX-001 or CT-XXXX-001
- Added statement that reimbursement amounts of $100,000 or more, requires board approval, which can take up to 3 months
- Added a cost per participant section
- Added a section on training outcomes, which includes deliverables, description, funding breakdown and invoice due date
- Application checklist section was updated to include required attachments
- Copy of the Curriculum
- Copy of certificate of insurance
- Expense Distribution Form
- If applicable, a list of prospective participants to be screened for WIOA eligibility
- If applicable, Job Descriptions of positions to be filled
- If applicable a list of participating employers
- Added assurances and certifications statement
Exhibit – Approval of Deliverables Invoice
- Updated to include cost breakdown for each deliverable
Effective September 10, 2021, WIOA Subrecipients are required to follow the updated CET and CT policies and procedures as indicated above.
If you have any feedback or questions regarding this issuance, contact your Contract Administrator.
- To access the chapters and their attachments, go to workfroce.org and click on the collapsed menu icon located on the top right-hand side of the webpage.
- Click on “Operations Resources” section.
- Click on “Operations Manual” to see the list of chapters and operational issuances.
- Click on “Chapter 4. Part 1: WIOA Adult and Dislocated Worker Program Activities | Attachments” to view the policy and attachments.