Veterans and their families receive priority service. Learn more.
This program assists people in obtaining good jobs by providing them with job search assistance and training opportunities. You may receive services in one or both of the following categories:
Employment Services
We exist to help you find the intersection of what you love to do, what you can be paid for and what both you and local employers need. Engage in 1-on-1 employment services for help with career exploration, skills assessment, job leads and more.
By signing up for this program, you agree that you…
- Are ready to enroll in training or look for a job
- Want a career navigator who will work with you on your individual needs and goals. You will interact with them at least once per month in person, on the phone, by text or via email.
- Will respond to communication from your career navigator and other San Diego Workforce Partnership staff in a timely manner, within 3 business days of receiving communication. Our team will also respond to you within this timeframe.
- Understand that if you do not participate for 90 days, you will not be able to continue receiving services
- Commit to quarterly follow-ups via phone, email or by text by a career navigator after graduation and/or employment. This contact is to obtain progress reports, credentials, and ongoing transition services until program completion.
We offer a wide range of training opportunities to fit your needs and prepare you for a job in an in-demand industry.
Individual Trainings
We work with over 130 qualified training providers who offer education in the classroom, online and through apprenticeships to help you learn new skills and enter a meaningful career. Trainings lead to jobs such as dental assistant, veterinarian technician, security officer, cybersecurity support technician, truck driver and much, much more.
View individual training programs
How to Apply
Please note that Training & Job Search Services (WIOA) currently has a waitlist for eligibility appointments up to two months out. We are actively working to add more appointment times. If you are interested in enrolling or are looking for more information, please email, call (619) 319-WORK (9675) or visit one of our six career center locations.
Who It's For
- Ages 18+
- Lives in the County of San Diego
- Low income and/or unemployed and eligible or has exhausted unemployment insurance (UI) benefits
This program offers help:
- Deciding what career is right for me
- With starting school or a certificate program
- Finding a long-term job
- Learning new job skills
This WIOA Title I – funded program or activity is an equal opportunity employer/program and auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.