The San Diego Workforce Partnership (Workforce Partnership) is issuing a one-time Request for Proposals (RFP) to non-profits and community-based organizations (CBOs) to support Outreach and Community Building work under its Equal Representation in Construction Apprenticeships (ERiCA) grant, funded by the State’s Division of Apprenticeship Standards (DAS).
We recognize that great ideas and expertise come from all corners of our region and are excited to hear from community about effective ways to better support women, non-binary and underrepresented communities interested in a rewarding career in the building and construction industry. The Workforce Partnership desires to retain multiple partners who propose innovative outreach and community building activities to target populations (women, non-binary, other underrepresented populations in construction) and create pathways to state-registered pre-apprenticeships Construction Career Jumpstart (CCJ) and Apprenticeship Readiness Program (ARP) and union apprenticeships. We encourage community-based organizations who have not previously worked with the Workforce Partnership to apply.
The Workforce Partnership intends to award multiple subawards for an estimated period running February 1, 2024–May 31, 2025. The maximum award value is $50,000. Interested organizations are invited to submit a proposal in accordance with the instructions indicated in this Request for Proposals by December 6, 2023 at 5 p.m.
- Total Available Funding: $210,000
- Maximum Award Value: $50,000
- Anticipated Number of Awards: 5–8
Questions and Answers about the RFP
- Though we are not a non-profit, I would be curious to understand how you define a community based organization? Can you advise on the criteria for my company to be eligible?
- Community-based organizations (CBOs) are non-profit organizations, though not all non-profits identify as community-based organizations. CBOs often work at the grassroots or community level to provide or deliver services to specific target audiences.
- Is this RFP limited to construction trade only?
- Yes. This RFP is to support and amplify outreach and community building efforts to women, non-binary, and other underrepresented populations in construction career pathways. Respondents must propose eligible activities that show connection and benefit to one or both of the region’s two state-registered pre-apprenticeships Construction Career Jumpstart (CCJ) and Apprenticeship Readiness Program (ARP) and/or union apprenticeships.
- Is it county wide?
- Eligible applicants must be based in/have operations in San Diego County.
- How many people are we anticipating?
- We are not providing a desired number served. The Workforce Partnership does not want to be overly prescriptive with its request to hear from community partners what they believe is the best use case for the funds. We encourage respondents to submit proposals that clearly and persuasively articulate activities to the budget and connection to the spirit of ERiCA (Equal Representation in Construction Apprenticeships).
- Can a for profit business bid on this RFP?
- No. Eligible applicants are community-based nonprofits.
All questions about this RFP must be emailed to with the name of the RFP in the subject line (ERiCA Outreach & Community Building) and we will respond in three (3) business days. The last day to submit questions is November 17, 2023.
Respondents Office hours
Two virtual office hour sessions will be held on the following dates: Office hour #1: November 8, 2023 at 3 p.m.; Office hours #2: November 29, 2023 at 3 p.m. Each office hour will last up to 45 minutes and be held over Zoom. This is an opportunity for potential respondents to drop in to request additional clarity on the RFP.
- Office hours #1:, Meeting ID: 898 6860 7482
- Office hours #2:, Meeting ID: 873 8681 4044
Miscellaneous Requirements
Service agreement template
By submitting a proposal, you are agreeing to the terms outlined in the Attachment labeled “Service Agreement Template” should you be selected as a successful bidder.
Conflict of interest
Bidders are required to list any and all individuals who contributed to the preparation of the proposal in the attachment labeled “Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form.” Disclosure of any actual or potential conflicts of interest relative to this competitive proposal is required. All bidders must fill this out and submit even if there are no actual or potential conflicts of interest.
Certificate of insurance
Bidders are required to complete the attachment labeled “Certificate of Insurance (COI)”, that includes the language “San Diego Workforce Partnership Inc, City of San Diego and County of San Diego are listed as additional insured and certificate holders.”
Please reach out to with any questions.