Habilidades Esenciales para el Éxito Laboral

Location: Zoom (virtual)

Skills And Accomplishments Workshop

Desarrolloarlas y asegurarse de que los empleadores sepan sobre sus conocimientos lo ayudarán a conseguir un trabajo y avanzar su carrera profesional.

Taller de Currículum (virtual)

Location: Zoom (virtual)

Resume Review Clinic

Aprenda a crear un currículum profesional que llamen la atención desde la perspectiva del empleador. Aplique principios expertos para presentar su valor y mostrar habilidades clave mediante el uso de ejemplos de resultados y logros.

Learning Drop-in Hour (Chula Vista)

Mock Interviews (by Appointment Only)

Drop-in hours are available for you to meet with a Workforce Partnership Learning Team member to help to find the answers you are looking for. These sessions are flexible to cover what you need.

Using Technology for Career Learning (Chula Vista)

Career Exploration Day 4

This in-person workshop will be tailored to the needs of the participants, and could cover anything from the basics of how to turn on a computer, to setting up an email address. All sessions will show participants how to use the various online learning resources provided by the Workforce Partnership.

Connecting Interests with Careers

Location: Zoom (virtual)

career center wifi

Explore your interests and learn to use them to recognize fulfilling career opportunities. Learn the language of the RIASEC framework, which can give you insights into careers you may not know much about.

Virtual Cover Letter Building

Location: Zoom (virtual)

Cover Letters And Thank You Letters Workshop

Explore the steps to create impressive and attention-getting cover letters that employers want to read! Then learn to distinguish yourself by sending a "thank you" letter that will give you a competitive edge in the hiring process.

Learning Drop-in Hour (Metro)

Location: 4389 Imperial Ave. San Diego, CA 92113 

Mock Interviews (by Appointment Only)

Drop-in hours are available for you to meet with a Workforce Partnership Learning Team member to help to find the answers you are looking for. These sessions are flexible to cover what you need.

Conectando Intereses con Carreras

Location: Zoom (virtual)

career center wifi

Explora sus intereses y aprenda a usarlos para reconocer oportunidades profesionales satisfactorias. Aprenda el lenguaje del marco RIASEC que brindarle información sobre carreras de las que quizás no sepa mucho.

Using Technology for Career Learning (Metro)

Location: 4389 Imperial Ave. San Diego, CA 92113 

Career Exploration Day 4

This in-person workshop will be tailored to the needs of the participants, and could cover anything from the basics of how to turn on a computer, to setting up an email address. All sessions will show participants how to use the various online learning resources provided by the Workforce Partnership.

Learning Orientation For Job Seekers

Location: Zoom (virtual)

This session introduces participants to our Ikigai, a concept that means, "reason for being."  You'll also get an overview of the various career learning resources available from the San Diego Workforce Partnership and guidance on how to best engage with them.