Employment Quest Job Club

This is an opportunity for job seekers to network, learn real time strategies, and participate in job search exercises within a group setting (activities will vary on a monthly basis). No prior registration necessary. Join us!

“How to Get Hired at UCSD!”

Untitled Design (3)

UCSD will provide inside tips on online profiles, submitting applications, searching for jobs and checking your application status.

Resume Review Clinic

Bring a copy of your resume to this session for a one-on-one review. Your resume will be reviewed and you will be given advice on how to make it more effective in landing yourself an interview.

Mock Interviews (By Appointment Only)

Need interview assistance? Schedule your mock interview today!  We offer Mock Interviews by appointment only.

Please sign up at sdccrsvp.setmore.com to schedule your 40 min one-on-one coaching session.

Sign up with Cameron Richardson for the North County Career Center - Coastal location. Please note, if the mentioned link does not show the listed date for the current month, this signals all time slots have been filled.

Labor Market in San Diego (Pop-Up Workshop)

Navigate the best labor market information websites to find out what’s hot and what’s not—jobs that match your specific skill set, building employer lists, resume and interview tips, and much more.

Employer Panel

Learn about available jobs, skills set required, tips on how to successfully obtain employment. Ask questions and have the opportunity to meet hiring managers face to face.

Customer Service and Sales Training by Access

Envision Center Logo

This series for young adults ages 18-24 will provide a classroom-based, instructor-led program designed to help entry-level sales and service associates learn skills related to front line work in retail (or any industry that values customer service and sales skills).

3 Rules to Salary Negotiation Workshop

Learn to negotiate your salary and benefits effectively.

“How to Get Hired at UCSD!”

Untitled Design (3)

UCSD will provide inside tips on online profiles, submitting applications, searching for jobs and checking your application status.

Getting LinkedIn Workshop

Learn effective networking tips, then add the power of social networking to your job search.