Your Personal Commercial Workshop

Your Personal Commercial Workshop

Customize your personal commercial and resume to get the job using simple techniques that will add power to your personal presentation and boost your self-confidence.

Spooky, Odd and Embarrassing Questions


Remember the good old days of human resources when the strangest thing you had to deal with was someone lying about their past employment experience?  Times have changed.  Now  you may be faced an array of situations ranging from dealing with

UPS Hiring Event

Ups Logo 2014 Small Rgb

Hiring for seasonal driver helper throughout the months of November and December. Sessions start at 10 a.m., 1 p.m. and 3 p.m.

Online Job Search Strategies Workshop

The internet offers useful and effective means to employment. Designed for job seekers new to the internet, we show you how to create an e-mail address, upload your résumé to your email and post is online, job search online using internet job board services, discover keywords, navigate commonly-used internet job boards and more.

Online Job Search Strategies Workshop

Designed for job seekers new to the internet, we show you how to create an email address, upload your resume to your email and post is online, search for jobs online using internet job board services, discover keywords, navigate commonly used internet job boards and more.

Resume Review Clinic

Resume Review Clinic

Your resume will be reviewed and you will be given advice on how to make it more effective in landing yourself an interview. Everyone is seen in the order in which they arrive.

UPS Hiring Event

Ups Logo 2014 Small Rgb

Hiring for seasonal driver helper throughout the months of November and December. Sessions start at 10 a.m., 1 p.m. and 3 p.m.

Getting LinkedIn Workshop

Getting Linkedin Workshop

Learn effective networking tips, then add the power of social networking to your job search.

Salary Negotiation Workshop

3 Rules To Salary Negotiation Workshop

Where should you be placed on the salary range? How do you show employers “value” to get the job offer and a good pay offer? Should you settle for less in light of the current job market? Explore these important questions and more to effectively negotiate your salary with any employer.

Overqualified and Unemployed Workshop

Overqualified And Unemployed Workshop

Learn strategies to effectively address employers' concerns around being overqualified.