Online: Cover and Thank You Letters Workshop

Cover Letters And Thank You Letters Workshop

Explore the steps to create impressive and attention-getting cover letters that employers want to read! The learn to distinguish yourself by sending a "thank you" letter that will give you a competitive edge in the hiring process.

Online: Online Job Search Strategies Workshop

Online Job Search Strategies

Designed for job seekers new to the internet job search, learn how to use internet job board services, discover keywords, navigate commonly-used internet job search engines and more.

Online: Resume Strategies Workshop

Resume Strategies Workshop

Learn how to build professional, attention-grabbing resumes from the employer’s perspective. Apply expert principles to present your value and showcase key skills by using examples of results and accomplishments.

Online: Salary Negotiation Workshop

3 Rules To Salary Negotiation Workshop

Knowing how to negotiate salary offers is a valuable skill that can increase your earning potential throughout your career. Learn how to research salary ranges, ask for compensation packages and ensure you are being paid what you are worth.

Online: Resume Building Workshop

Resume Building Workshop

Join in on a resume building session that will show you first hand how to develop a resume from scratch utilizing job postings, reports, and your own words!

Online: Getting LinkedIn Workshop

Getting Linkedin Workshop

Get started on your LinkedIn journey and learn how to create and maintain an account on this popular networking and career-focused social media site.

Online: What to Say During Job Interviews Workshop

What To Say At Job Interviews Workshop

Interviews are where preparation and opportunity meet. Gain confidence by knowing how to communicate your value effectively and identify potential gains and pitfalls when answering different types of interview questions.

Online: Skills and Accomplishments Workshop

Skills And Accomplishments Workshop

Showcase your top skills, highlight your relevant experience, and tell a story of your accomplishments on your resume and in job interviews to impress potential employers.

Veterans Employment Committee VIRTUAL Job and Resource Fair

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The  Veterans Employment Committee Job and Resource Fair will be VIRTUAL and expecting 20 employers & resource providers to be in attendance. This event is open to the public.

Online: What to Say During Job Interviews Workshop

What To Say At Job Interviews Workshop

Interviews are where preparation and opportunity meet. Gain confidence by knowing how to communicate your value effectively and identify potential gains and pitfalls when answering different types of interview questions.