Operations Issuance: 2023-11
Issuance Number: 2023-11
Date: June 29, 2023
To: WIOA Title I Adult Service Providers and Workforce Partnership Staff
From: Daniella Molina. Manager of Training Services
Subject: Update to Operations Manual Chapter 4. Part 3: WIOA Title I Training Services
This operations issuance is to notify Workforce Partnership (SDWP) staff of a new chapter added to the Operations Manual. The chapter and attachments were updated and moved from Chapter 4. Part 1: WIOA Title I Program Activities to Chapter 4. Part 3: WIOA Title I Training Services to align with the Workforce Partnership providing direct career center services.
Summary of Updates: Below is a summary of updates. Staff should review the referenced chapter and the attachments for details.
Chapter 4. Part 3:
The Chapter provides an overview and guidance for WIOA Title I training services, training expectations and training outcomes.
- Sections were rearranged and updated for clarity and better flow
- Links to EDD directives and DOL TEGLS were updated
- Added the following guidance to Section III. C. Training Policies
- Consecutive Training Approvals
- Unsuccessful Training Extensions
- Training Completions
- Repetition of Courses
- Added F. Transitional Jobs (TJ) to Section IV. WIOA TITLE I Training Services
Attachment and Exhibit Updates:
All attachments below were updated.
- Attachment In-Demand Occupations List (newly added)
- Removed as an Exhibit to the ETPL Policies and Procedures and moved to Ch. 4, Part 3 as an attachment
- Updates to the In-Demand Occupations List were made to ensure that the classifications and criteria align with the changing labor market demand and cost of living adjustments in San Diego County. Eligible occupations are now divided into two categories: Priority Sector Occupations and Customer Choice Occupations. The Priority Sector Occupations classification was created to encompass entry-level roles with potential for upskilling. The Customer Choice Occupations classification was redefined to meet the demand for occupations that typically require at least an associate degree and are not considered entry-level.
- Attachment – ITA & ATA Policies and Procedures
- Sections were rearranged and updated for clarity and better flow
- Updated Section II., A. Participant Eligibility
- Updated Section II., E., 1. Career Assessment And Training Research
- Added customer training contract requirement
- Added ITA/ATA research requirement
- Updates Section II., I. Data Change Requests process for discontinuances and voids
- Updated Section II., J. Refund Policy
- Added required process from CN’s and TFC to ensure training providers refund all or a portion of the cost of the training if a participant does not complete the program or any overpayment of program costs.
- Exhibit – ITA/ATA Training Contract
- Newly added exhibit
- Exhibit – ITA/ATA Research
- Newly added exhibit
- Exhibit – ITA/ATA Training Contract
- Attachment – IWT Policy and Procedures
- Sections were rearranged and updated for clarity and better flow
- Updated Section III., A. Incumbent Worker Training Duration
- Removed the SVP level and limited timeframe of training, however it is still recommended that the duration of training be limited to the time necessary for a participant to become proficient in the occupation for which the customer is receiving IWT
- Updated the training outcomes descriptions and percentage of payment per deliverable.
- Attachment – OJT Policy and Procedures
- Sections were rearranged and updated for clarity and better flow
- Updated Section III., B., 3. Conflict of Interest
- Added language on OJT-related conflict of interest can arise
- Updated Section III., C., 1. New Hire
- A new hire may begin the OJT 2 weeks after their hire date to allow time for the onboarding process. The OJT start date must begin once the participant is fully enrolled in WIOA and on a new a pay period.
- Updated Section II., E., 1. Career Assessment And Training Contract
- Added customer training contract requirement and Career Assessment requirement
- Updated Section II., G. Voucher Processing
- Added finance process for approving and processing the voucher
- Attachment – Transitional Job Policy and Procedures
- Newly added policy
- Attachment – CET & CT Policies and Procedures
- Sections were rearranged and updated for clarity and better flow
- Updated Section II., A., 1.CET Provider Requirements
- CET providers must meet one of the following accreditations
- Department of Education
- CET providers must meet one of the following accreditations
- Approval through a Federal or State agency that has oversight in a specific in-demand occupation
- BPPE approval (or exemption)
- Added Section II., A., 2. In-Demand Occupations
- Added Section II., A., 3. CET Requirements
- A minimum of 5 participants must enroll in the cohort;
- Training provider must accept and register (if applicable) all participants prior to the career center conducting intake and eligibility;
- Training provider must attend bi-weekly check-ins to check on the status of recruitment, and enrollment into the training;
- Training provider must provide training in accordance with the training agreement and attached curriculum.
- Updated Section III., D. Conflict of Interest
- Added language on CT-related conflict of interest can arise
- Updated Section III., C. Career Assessment And Training Contract
- Added customer training contract requirement and Career Assessment requirement
- Updated Section III., F. Approval of Deliverables Invoice
- Updated the training outcomes descriptions and percentage of payment per deliverable.
- Attachment – Training Agreement
- Updated the training outcomes descriptions and percentage of payment per deliverable.
- Attachment – Customer Training Contract
- Newly added attachment
- Must use for OJT, CET, CT, IWT and TJ
Effective July 1, 2023, all staff are required to follow the updated policies and procedures in the chapter indicated above. Staff are required to review the entire Chapter and Attachments.
If you have any feedback or questions regarding this issuance, contact DaniellaMolina@workforce.org
To access the chapters and their attachments, go to workforce.org and click on the collapsed menu icon located on the top right-hand side of the webpage.
- Click on “Operations Resources” section.
- Click on “Operations Manual” to see the list of chapters and operational issuances.
- Click on “Chapter 4. Part 3: WIOA Title I Training Services | Attachments” to view the policy and attachments.