Informational Issuance: 2021-01
Issuance Number: 2021-01
Date: July 2, 2021
To: SDWP Youth Service Provider (YSP) Subrecipients
From: Shaina Gross, VP of Client Services
Subject: YSP Onboarding & Enrollment Restrictions
This informational issuance officially establishes the Youth Providers (YSPs) under the Youth Services Education Providers List (YSEPL) for reporting as part of the results of the recent Request for Proposals (RFP) to provide services to in-school and out-of-school youth, ages 14-24, under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).
This issuance also establishes the timeline and requirements for onboarding and training all YSP staff, as well as the timeline for outreach, recruitment, eligibility, and enrollment of youth under this cycle of programming.
The following YSPs have been registered in CalJOBS as a YSEPL to provide WIOA youth workforce activities:
- Access, Inc. – Youth Career Center Services (ISY & OSY)
- San Diego Continuing Education Foundation – English Language Learners, Immigrants, and Refugees (OSY)
- South Bay Community Services – Justice Involved/Offender (OSY)
- San Diego Youth Services – Homeless (OSY)
- YMCA of San Diego County – Black Opportunity Youth (OSY)
South Bay Community Services will continue to serve ISY and OSY Foster Youth through the end of their procurement. Access, via San Pasqual Academy, will also continue to provide services through the end of their procurement.
All YSPs must attend onboarding trainings for this cycle that begins on Tuesday, July 6, 2021 and extends into September. At minimum, one designee from each YSP listed above must be in attendance. SDWP requires that all recommended staff attend the trainings and/or view the recording and materials as part of their initial onboarding. The recorded trainings and materials will be available via the partner resources page within 48 hours after they occur. All training registration links will be sent to the program point of contact and disseminated to appropriate staff by that individual. Reference the attached July 2021 YSP Training & Onboarding Calendar (Subject to change).
CalJOBS enrollment and participation of new youth cannot begin until August 2, 2021 with the exception of South Bay Community Services that serve ISY and OSY Foster Youth, and Access, via San Pasqual Academy. Foster youth programs can continue to enroll youth during the month of July, 2021. All YSPs must review any changes made to policy and procedure through Operations Issuances.
YSPs may begin outreach and recruitment of new youth and start conducting eligibility on or after July 15, 2021 (via Workforce eFile) after all YSP staff have been onboarded and have received eligibility training. YSP staff must use the Pre-Assessment during the youth recruitment and eligibility process.
CalJOBS training will be the week of July 26th and be hosted by EDD directly, with supplemental training to be given by Workforce Partnership staff. On or after August 2nd, YSPs may enroll and begin providing program services.
Review the July training calendar. YSP and staff must register for trainings through their program point of contact.
Foster Youth programs are exempt from these requirements, although encouraged to attend trainings as many of the changes will affect documentation, process, and data reporting requirements.
If you have any questions regarding this issuance, contact your Program Specialist.
Partner Resources Page – Access to the page will be provided on the first day of training (July 6th)