Informational Issuance: 2020-04
Issuance Number: 2020-04
Date: December 23, 2020
To: ETPL Training Providers
From: Crystal Gunter, ETPL Coordinator
Subject: ETPL Continued Eligibility
This information issuance is to notify Workforce Partnership (SDWP) ETPL Training Providers of the requirements of the Continued (Subsequent) Eligibility period for 2021, which begins on January 1st and will end on July 15th.
The State of California released Subsequent Eligibility Review Information Notice WSIN20-27. Subsequent Eligibility Review (SER) is required per WSD15-07, attachment 1. This notice and policy require Local Areas (SDWP) to review ETPL Training Providers on an annual basis for eligibility and compliance.
SDWP and the State of California will be reviewing documents and data in CalJOBS for Continued Eligibility. Current Training Providers must ensure they have required performance data entered in CalJOBS. Providers will be asked to submit Continued Eligibility documents to SDWP and staff may also conduct a monitoring of each provider/program during this period.
The open review period for updates and changes to active programs will begin May 1st and close on June 15th, with the new funding allocation and program year beginning on July 15, 2021.
New Programs and New Providers can apply to be on ETPL at any time throughout the year.
Summary of Requirements:
- Enter performance data for each of your active programs in CalJOBS for the period July 1, 2018-June 30, 2019 (Program Year 2019). Due January 22, 2021.
- The minimum state requirement for employment (placement) for program year 2018-2019 is 64% (Overall data).
- For non-WASC private postsecondary schools, the program’s performance information in CalJOBS must match the data in the school’s BPPE Performance Fact Sheet. Per WSD15-07, if a school has not submitted a performance fact sheet to the BPPE, then the program will be removed from the ETPL.
- All programs should have both “Overall” data and “WIOA” data entered.
- If a program is “new” that would indicate the course did not exist in your institution prior to June 30, 2019. This would be verified on the “Additional Details” tab of your program under “Date Edu. Program First Offered.” New programs are not required to submit performance data for the first 24 months of being offered. “New” does not mean new to WIOA or new to ETPL.
- If a program was added to ETPL after June 30, 2019, but has been previously offered at your institution, data must be entered in the “Overall” value fields. Enter “0” in the WIOA fields.
- Do not leave a data field blank, instead enter “0”
- If your program is not meeting the placement rate for 2018-19, then you can enter 2019-20 data if available to remain eligible. The placement rate for 2019-20 is 66%. You must enter both 2018 and 2019 data for the performance review.
Eligibility Verification and Monitoring
- Training providers will receive information on recertifying for Continued Eligibility in March, 2021 per ETPL, ITA, and ATA Policies and Procedures. Due April 30, 2021.
Program Updates and Review
- A new in-demand jobs list (with corresponding occupation (SOC) codes) will be published by April 30, 2021.
- Training providers will be able to make changes to costs and codes beginning on May 1st through June 15th based on their approved course catalog. Tuition costs must be equal to or lower than the published rate.
SDWP will review all Continued Eligibility documents and data in the blackout period of June 16th through July 14th. The new term of eligibility will begin on July 15, 2021.
All Training Providers listed on both the State ETPL the local San Diego Workforce Partnership ETPL must complete performance data entry by January 22, 2021.
Training Providers must respond to requests for Continued Eligibility documents and monitoring requests from SDWP and/the State by April 30, 2021.
Training Providers must begin their Program review of Programs on or after May 1, 2021 and complete their review, including any updates and changes, by June 15, 2021. Changes prior to May 1st will not be reviewed.
Submit questions to
- ETPL, ITA, & ATA Policies and Procedures
- ETPL Partner Resources Site (Requires Permissions)
- Workforce Services Directive WSD15-07
- For help navigating the ETPL Module in CalJOBS, please refer to the Guide Cards found in Attachment 5 of the Draft ETPL Directive