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UniSea Recruiting Event - San Diego Workforce Partnership

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Monday, October 28, 2019 | 9 a.m.–2 p.m.

Location: Metro Career Center, 4389 Imperial Ave, San Diego, CA 92113

Recruiting Seafood Processors to work in Dutch Harbor, Alaska.

Must Pre-Register at caljobs

Orientation and In–Person Interviews

Employment Details:

  • 6 month seasonal contract beginning in mid-January
  • Typical shift is 12 hours per day—6 days a week
  • Alaska’s current minimum wage is $12.19 per hour and $18.29 overtime
  • Transportation from Seattle provided
  • Return transportation to Seattle after successful completion of contract
  • Must pass a pre-employment drug screen
  • Must be able to stand for long periods and lift up to 50 lbs.
  • $15 per day room and board fee, when 8 or more hours are worked in a day
  • Laundry services provided
  • All personal protective gear provided
  • Great benefits available upon eligibility
  • Advancement opportunities are available

For more information: Call (800) 535-8509

Or visit our website at Unisea

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