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Skills for Life: 4-Week Workshop Series - San Diego Workforce Partnership

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Wednesday, February 13, 2019 | 11 a.m.–12 p.m.

Location: Envision Center inside the South Metro Career Center: 4389 Imperial Ave., San Diego CA 92113

This free program, which is open to the public, will help participants build self-confidence and address challenges in their lives. Staff from the nonprofit organization Real Life Skills will facilitate the series.

Week 1:

  • February 4 Self Discovery: Who Am I?
  • February 6 Is Failure a Blessing in Disguise?

Week 2:

  • February 11 Formula for Success
  • February 13 The Purpose of Adversity

Week 3:

  • February 20 Your Life’s Next Chapter

Week 4:

  • February 25 The Significant Life
  • February 27 The Recipe for Greatness

Week 5: 

  • March 4 The Master Key

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Contact Tinesia at (619) 578-7459

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