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Opportunity Summit 2019 - San Diego Workforce Partnership

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Thursday, May 02, 2019 | 12–12 a.m.



On May 2, 850 young adults and allies came together to change the youth experience in our region. Together, we listened, we learned, we dreamed of a new reality where every young person has the support they need to thrive as they transition from high school into the workforce. The 3rd annual Opportunity Summit may be over, but the work doesn’t stop.

Here are some actions you can take today to invest in opportunity and make a difference in the lives of young adults:

Links from the opening plenary

Share Your Road with Roadtrip Nation

Learn more about Dr. Gentry Patrick’s PATHS Scholars Program

Links from the lunch plenary

Learn more about This Way Ahead

Learn more about RiseHY

Links from the closing plenary

Listen to the Serial podcast

Read the Youth Bill of Rights

To learn more about this important issue, visit  #OpportunitySD

See Full Agenda

Contact to see how you can lend your support even after the event is over.

Special thanks to our sponsors!

Oppsummit Sponsor Logos 2019 V06.05 Ww

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