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Online: Effective Virtual Job Search Series: Part 3 of 3 - San Diego Workforce Partnership

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Monday, July 20, 2020 | 10–11 a.m.


Thanks to modern technology like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet, job seekers can search for and find a job during the pandemic. In this three-part workshop series, learn how to navigate the virtual space, establish your online brand and effectively network your way to your next job opportunity. 

Part 3: The Power of Networking

Recently attend a virtual career fair? Continue your job seeking momentum by leveraging the connections you made. Learn how to extend your network by using follow up tricks like informational interviewing, using the power of the 2nd connection and more.  


The health and safety of our members is our top priority. All workshops will be conducted online until further notice.

ZOOM: We’re going to be broadcasting live via Zoom. Please download and install Zoom now to the device of your choice. Don’t worry, Zoom accounts are free. Here is a helpful guide to get you started.

Already have Zoom installed? Please check for software updates, because they release new versions all the time.

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