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Online: Layoff Transition Webinar - San Diego Workforce Partnership

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Friday, July 10, 2020 | 10–11 a.m.


We are currently offering live webinar presentations for employers AND employees Fridays from 10–11 a.m. for anyone who has been furloughed, laid off or had their hours reduced due to COVID-19. The webinars cover the following topics:

  • How to apply for unemployment insurance
  • Access to free training to upskill while furloughed/laid off/unemployed
  • Health insurance and retirement account options
  • Community resources and more

Below is the link to register. All attendees will be asked to register beforehand for the date that works best for them. This is on the GoToWebinar platform. Anyone can get access to the GoToWebinar platform for free when you register. This platform allows attendees to ask live questions via the chat function. Those without a computer can listen in through the dial-in feature.

Register for a webinar


If you can’t make it to a live webinar, you may view a pre-recorded webinar here. Please keep in mind some information may be out outdated since this was pre-recorded.

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