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The Future Through World of Work - San Diego Workforce Partnership

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Friday, November 06, 2020 | 10:30 a.m.–12 p.m.


Kids In SchoolThe Future Through World of Work is a free 2-day virtual summit highlighting the creative integration of career development in K-12. The event will center around the transformation of a middle school library into a career center focused on supporting the development of students’ occupational identities. The conference unites workforce, K16 education, non-profit, and government working together to expand new approaches to empower educators to prepare learners for a path to gainful employment. This free summit will be a great learning experience for superintendents, board members, teachers, librarians, foundations, non-profits, parents, career counselors, coaches, government officials, education leaders, and education journalists. Anyone interested in education and/or workforce development is welcome to join!


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