Ticket to Work and Self Sufficiency (Ticket) is a federal program designed to provide Social Security disability beneficiaries the choices, opportunities and support they need to enter and maintain employment. Participants receive career counseling, job search support, long-term ongoing employment support, Social Security work incentive advisement, and financial services/resources.

For more information, contact (619) 319-WORK (9675) or hello@workforce.org.

Who It's For

Must be receiving cash benefit of SSI, SSDI or both.

This program offers help:

  • Deciding what career is right for me
  • Finding a long-term job

How to Apply

Applications for this program are currently closed.

Read about participant experiences with the program:

A participant’s journey to self-sufficiency and reshaping his relationship with the workforce

46-year-old Lamont Burns had never held a full-time job. His little work included an on-call dishwasher, and it had been five years since he held that job. Lamont relied on the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) he received to support himself. After being connected to our Ticket-to-Work and Self Sufficiency (Ticket) program–a federal program designed to provide SSDI beneficiaries help to enter and maintain employment­­–Lamont was finally able to secure a full-time job and reach a goal he had long strived to achieve.

J Smith2
Jennifer’s journey from exiting Social Security to reentering the workforce

After almost seven years of receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) after being diagnosed with depression, anxiety and PTSD, Jennifer Smith found herself ready to test her resolve to head back into the workforce. Through the Ticket to Work program and with encouragement from her program specialist, Georgina Garcia, at the San Diego Workforce Partnership, Jennifer developed the tools and fortitude to successfully restart her career in healthcare administration.