Job Quality Sample Contract Language
Section 1: Contract Language
- Contractor represents that its employment practices consistently provide “Quality Jobs” as defined below for each regular employee providing services under this agreement. Contractor agrees to provide sufficient documentation to substantiate such practices (for example, an employee handbook or payroll records) upon request.
- A “Quality Job” is a job that contributes to household stability through reliable, predictable earnings which provide a pathway to self-sufficiency; working conditions that are safe, free from discrimination and harassment, and welcoming of workers’ concerns and ideas for improvement; opportunities to learn, grow and advance either within the organization or the field; and a set of support systems, benefits and options that align with the needs of a worker’s life circumstances and career goals.
- At minimum, all Quality Jobs include the below. For more information on the job quality framework and it’s indicators, please reference
- Living wage. Compensation which allows an individual to afford adequate shelter, food, and other necessities for their geographic area.
- For the current period of performance specified in this contract, a living wage is $17.65 per hour (or equivalent salary). Please note that living wage is based on a series of economic indicators which fluctuate over time. In the past, annual living wage increases have ranged from -2 to 10%. Please indicate any assumptions related to living wage in your financial narrative as part of your budget submission.
- At the sole discretion of SDWP, Contractor may be granted a waiver of the Living Wage requirement for a transitional period of up to one (1) year. Waivers will be documented in writing.
- Safe working conditions. Work environments free from undue physical hazards, and from discrimination and harassment.
- Appropriate classification. An employee’s status as a contractor or employee, and as exempt or non-exempt from overtime requirements, is consistent with the employee’s actual relationship to Contractor.
- Stable schedule. Employees with variable working hours receive their schedules no less than two (2) weeks in advance of the working period described in the schedule. Employees without a variable schedule have clear, documented regular working hours, and receive no less than two (2) weeks’ advance notice for extended working days.
- Human resources infrastructure. Employees have access to human resources representative(s) who develop, communicate, and enforce policies and procedures that ensure job quality standards are met.
- Living wage. Compensation which allows an individual to afford adequate shelter, food, and other necessities for their geographic area.
- Contractor agrees to upload data into the Working Metrics application within 30 days from receipt of access to the system and quarterly after that throughout this contract’s period of performance. Note that the Workforce Partnership reserves the right to monitor contractors on an ongoing basis to verify that the practices represented are in place. For additional details on subrecipient oversight and monitoring practices, please see Chapter 8 of the Operations Manual.
- Working Metrics is a secure, online data analytics platform that helps organizations improve business decisions and results through deep insights into job quality and diversity. Contractors will be provided access to the system and accompanying training materials to support the upload of their data as outlined above once contract has been executed.
- At minimum, all Quality Jobs include the below. For more information on the job quality framework and it’s indicators, please reference
- A “Quality Job” is a job that contributes to household stability through reliable, predictable earnings which provide a pathway to self-sufficiency; working conditions that are safe, free from discrimination and harassment, and welcoming of workers’ concerns and ideas for improvement; opportunities to learn, grow and advance either within the organization or the field; and a set of support systems, benefits and options that align with the needs of a worker’s life circumstances and career goals.
Section 2: Request for Procurement (RFP) Language
All subrecipient contracts and any service agreements which are NOT for commoditized services (e.g. not for pencils from home depo or software from Microsoft) are required to include the following language in the request for proposal. All programmatic services (regardless of whether they contractor is a subrecipient) should be subject to the below.
Department issuing the request for procurement is encouraged to hold a bidder’s conference to provide additional information about job quality where useful.
The San Diego Workforce Partnership is committed to partnering with organizations which foster job quality for their staff. Respondents are requested to provide support to demonstrate the job quality indicators which have been implemented within their own organization. Demonstration will include a) upload of documentation into the Working Metrics tool and b) submission of any supporting materials.
Respondents will be provided access to Working Metrics, a secure, online data analytics platform that helps organizations improve business decisions and results through deep insights into job quality and diversity, to upload their data for review. Note that upon award, successful respondents will be required to upload their data quarterly and will be monitored on job quality compliance as part of the Workforce Partnership’s standard compliance and monitoring procedures.
Job quality indicators include the following. Additional information regarding the Workforce Partnership’s job quality framework and indicators may be found at
Job Necessities: Raising the Floor
- Living wage: Salary or hourly rate which allows an individual or family to afford adequate shelter, food, and the other basic necessities for their geographic area*
- Safe working conditions: Work environment which is free from physical hazards, discrimination and/or harassment
- Appropriate Classification: Status of exempt vs. non-exempt and/or contract vs. direct employee appropriately reflects individual’s relationship with organization
- HR Infrastructure: In house or contracted HR support is in place and HR develops, communicates, and enforces policies and procedures
- Stable Schedule: Employees have a set schedule, documented core hours or receive at least 1 week of advance notice for variable schedules
Job Opportunities: Building Ladders
- Performance Management: Documented mechanism to assess employee performance, define career pathways and recognize employee contributions is in place
- Open Communication: Processes are available and accessible to collect input from staff at all levels, culture is welcoming of feedback and expectations are transparent
- Learning and Development: Established set of opportunities to improve skills and/or advance career which include but are not limited to in house or external coursework, on-the-job training, mentoring, or coaching are in place
- Empowerment and Support: Managers within the organization provide employees with guidance and tools needed to be successful in role; managers are equipped to and accountable for their support of staff
Job Features: Empowering People
- Health and Wellness: Includes but is not limited to health, dental, life insurance and employee assistance programs, ergonomics support, options for physical movement and rest, childcare provision and/or navigation. Physical movement includes opportunities to sit, stand or walk during the course of performing duties. Childcare navigation includes providing information on existing childcare resources as well as referrals or connections to providers when needed.
- Food, Transportation and Housing: Includes but is not limited to accessibility of work location via a variety of means of transportation and company provided or discounted transportation, food, or housing (e.g. onsite cafeteria)
- Leave and Schedules: Includes but is not limited to paid maternity/paternity/family leave, paid vacation or sick leave, employee driven flexible schedules, flexible or remote work location options, and gap year or sabbatical options
- Employee Engagement: Includes but is not limited to civic or volunteer engagement opportunities in the community, peer to peer networks, resource groups or internal committees
- Financial Supports: Includes but is not limited to discounts on services or products, advances (such as leave or advance pay), bonuses or awards, education supports (such as reimbursement) and wealth building tools (such as retirement match, access to pre-and post-tax savings)
- Job Security: Includes but it not limited to options for union participation, tenure track positions and/or automatic step increases or promotions
- Meaningful Work: Includes but is not limited to work which provides a sense of purpose and alignment with mission and values. Also includes factors such as autonomy in role, opportunities for project ownership and self- management, availability of engaging / challenging projects and a supportive team environment
*Please note that as of May 2020, the living wage for San Diego is $17.65 per hour (or equivalent salary). Living wage is based on a series of economic indicators which fluctuate over time. In the past, annual living wage increases have ranged from -2 to 10%. For awards which extend beyond one year, please plan for possible fluctuations in living wage. Document any assumptions related to living wage in your financial narrative submission. At the sole discretion of SDWP, successful respondents may be granted a waiver of the Living Wage requirement for a transitional period of up to one (1) year. Waivers will be documented in writing.
Section 3: Evaluation Rubric for Procurements
The department procuring services may set the number of points awarded for Job Opportunities and Job Features, but it must represent at least 10% of the total points available for award. Number of points to be specified in the sections highlighted in yellow below.
No contracts may be signed with organizations which do not meet the requirements outlined in 1.1 without a waiver letter on file. Executive team members may override the requirement in the event of a) an emergency in which a critical service would become unavailable without contract execution or b) the service is critical and cannot be procured from another vendor.
Evaluation Rubric
Category |
Representation |
Documentation |
Evaluation |
Job Necessities |
Respondent represents that its employment practices consistently provide all Job Necessities for each regular employee providing services under this agreement. |
Respondent has provided sufficient documentation to represent such practices as part of the RFB or RFP submission. This includes completed submission in Working Metrics and any supporting documentation.
Note that the Workforce Partnership reserves the right to monitor awardees on an ongoing basis to verify that the practices represented in the response are in place. |
Required, no award will be made to respondents who fail to provide this information. |
Job Opportunities |
Respondent represents that its employment practices consistently provide all Job Opportunities for each regular employee providing services under this agreement. |
Respondent has provided sufficient documentation to represent such (for example, an employee handbook records) as part of RFB or RFP submission.
Note that the Workforce Partnership reserves the right to monitor awardees on an ongoing basis to verify that the practices represented in the response are in place. |
X points will be awarded to respondents who provide information to demonstrate the presence of Job Opportunity indicators in their internal processes. |
Job Features |
Respondent represents that its employment practices consistently provide one of more Job Features for each regular employee providing services under this agreement. |
Respondent has provided sufficient documentation to represent such (for example, an employee handbook records, broker information, benefits guides) as part of RFB or RFP submission.
Note that the Workforce Partnership reserves the right to monitor awardees on an ongoing basis to verify that the practices represented in the response are in place. |
X points will be awarded to respondents who provide information demonstration the presence of Job Feature indicators in their internal processes. |