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The Workforce Partnership is conducting a joint procurement with the County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) to identify a subrecipient(s) to deliver tier I – Independent Living Skills (ILS) and tier II – Foster Youth Workforce Services within San Diego County. The ILS and Workforce Partnership Services program provides services to in-school and out-of-school current and former foster youth. ILS serves youth 14 to 21.  Workforce Services serves youth 16 to 24. The County HHSA is the lead agency in the joint procurement for the ILS and Workforce Services. Since 2001, the County HHSA and the Workforce Partnership have partnered to issue a single joint Request for Proposals (RFP) to produce two contracts:

  • County of San Diego, HHSA contract for Independent Living Skills tier I
  • The Workforce Partnership contract for Workforce Services tier II

All interested organizations must be registered with BuyNet. You may create an account at

Keywords for search: Independent Living Skills

The Workforce Partnership will not be answering any questions directly, so please direct all questions through the County by following the RFP instructions.  

Pre-proposal Conference

A pre-proposal conference will be held by teleconference on February 17 at 9 am.

The County will provide an overview of the RFP process and provide direction on submitting program/technical requests for clarification related to definition or interpretation of this RFP. Review the RFP in BuyNet to get information on the pre-proposal conference.

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