The San Diego Workforce Partnership is soliciting proposals from vendors to build an ArcGIS StoryMap (formerly Esri Story Map—a tool similar to Adobe Spark Page in the way we are using it) that tells a compelling story based on our call-to-action report on the intersection between workforce and child care in San Diego. This vendor will be able to translate graphs, graphics and research findings from a PowerPoint into a StoryMap. Further details are discussed in the Scope of Work section below.
The San Diego Workforce Partnership is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization chartered by the County and the City of San Diego to support workforce development in the San Diego region. The organization’s primary funding is allocated by the Department of Labor under the provisions of WIOA. The organization’s mission is to empower job seekers to meet the current and future workforce needs of employers in San Diego County. The vision of the Workforce Partnership is that every business in our region has access to a skilled workforce and every job seeker has access to meaningful employment. For additional information, please visit
Working parents in San Diego County struggle to find affordable, high–quality child care so they can work. There are potential negative developmental consequences for their children when parents settle for babysitting arrangements that, for example, use TV/video to pass the hours. And the consequences are also dramatic for working parents and the economy when the cost of care is as much as rent, if you can find it, and parents elect not to work…or they are unreliable workers. The Workforce + Child Care call to action makes this case using facts and data, then offers action steps we can and must take as a region to improve the child care system and therefore improve our workforce and economy.
The draft content for the report will be supplied to finalist bidder(s) to support finalization of the terms of the contract. This video and this article provide an overview of the case, but the report includes many facts and graphs, and at least one data map. Please note that the report is not primarily a geographic story.
The winning bidder for this RFB will use information provided by the Workforce Partnership to produce a report in the form of an online StoryMap to convey the findings of this research. The winning bidder will:
- Engage in a kick-off meeting with the project team to discuss a shared vision for the project
- Recommend an effective StoryMap template for this project
- Design and build a StoryMap that incorporates various media, including graphs, text, images and maps
- The winning bidder may use their own ArcGIS Online license or one provided temporarily by the Workforce Partnership, as long as the final product and all source materials are transferred to the Workforce Partnership upon completion of the project.
- Access to Tableau for data integration may also be helpful.
- Examples of StoryMaps we like:
RFB release date Monday, August 12, 2019
Bids due via email Thursday, August 22 at 8 a.m.
Vendor selected Friday, August 23, 2019
Project launch Week of August 26, 2019
Initial draft Monday, September 16, 2019
Feedback returned Tuesday, September 24, 2019
— 1–2 additional rounds of minor revisions —
Final draft Monday, October 7, 2019
The bid/quote needn’t be very elaborate—just enough to make your case, including a price quote. Please include links to two (2) StoryMap work samples.
Email your quote and links to two (2) StoryMap work samples to by Thursday, August 22 at 8 a.m. (yes, a.m.) PDT with the subject of the email titled “Bid for Workforce + Child Care StoryMap.”