The San Diego Workforce Partnership (SDWP) is seeking the support of a qualified vendor to manage the implementation of the strategic roadmap, including any site moves, and ensure the changes to organization’s IT infrastructure, whether physical or virtual, align with and support SDWP’s current and future business goals. Further details are discussed in the RFP.
SDWP must receive proposals no later than 3 p.m. PST, Wednesday, March 28, 2018.
PDF versions of written and signed proposals should be sent to with the title of “Technology Consulting Services — [name of bidder] response”.
Respondent’s Orientation
Recording of the webinar is available here.
Responses to Submited Questions
Since the new RFP appears to be Phase 2 of this earlier award, can you please provide a summary of the bids and selected provider? This RFP is for the implementation of a roadmap which was developed under the IT Infrastructure Consulting RFQ available here. Phase X, a Redport Solutions DBA, was the selected provider for the initial RFQ. The IT Infrastructure Consulting RFQ focused on conducting a comprehensive review of SDWP’s IT infrastructure to develop both an understanding of the “as is” state and a roadmap for SDWP’s IT going forward. Based on that roadmap, SDWP is releasing a series of IT procurements (Wifi, telecommunications, managed services, co-location, etc). SDWP now seeks to procure a vendor who will provide IT project management services to SDWP for these multiple procurements as well as potential site moves.
Does SDWP have an incumbent contractor performing these activities? SDWP does not have an incumbent performing these activities; however, this work is a follow on to work performed under the IT Infrastructure Consulting RFQ. The incumbent for that work is Phase X.
Does SDWP anticipate on-site services, or will SDWP allow remote work? SDWP anticipates the need for a blended model where some work could be performed remotely but there would be a need for onsite meetings with SDWP leadership, staff or vendors.
How much time do you want the PM to be on-site vs. remote? Location will be driven by needs. Meetings with leadership and/or vendors will be held onsite. Writing of reports, development of dashboards, etc. may be performed offsite.
Does SDWP anticipate only one consultant/dedicated PM or will SDWP allow for a team approach? Respondent should propose the model they believe best meets the requirements outlined in the RFP; however, given the various interconnected projects which the successful respondent will be helping to coordinate/track, consistency will be important to avoid re-work or miscommunication. If proposing a team approach, respondent must clearly articulate how model will ensure consistent service without gaps in knowledge or delays due to hand-offs.
Does SDWP expect the references to be from the Organization experience, or Key staff experience? Respondent should provide information on key staff’s experience as well as references for work performed by the organization for other similar projects and/or organizations.
Does SDWP have a formalized Project Management Office (PMO)? No, the contractor will report to the Vice President of Strategy who oversees IT.
If so, what governance framework(s) do the PMO use? PMI, Agile Scrum or other? Respondent should propose the best framework(s) for the project.
Is SDWP looking for a PMP certified resource? While PMP certification is not a requirement, SDWP is looking for an organizaiton or individual with extensive experience managaing IT projects and programs.
What project management tools does SDWP use if any? SDWP uses MS Project, Basecamp, SharePoint and Excel.
Does SDWP have a formalized Change Advisory Board (CAB)? Not at this time.
Are there any frameworks for policies and procedures in use and are there any specific industry compliance standards that SDWP adheres to? SDWP is primarily a grant funded organization which is subject to the terms which govern Federal, County and City contracting processes (e.g. 2CFR, Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Final Rule).
Is SDWP open to bundled Brokerage services along with the Project Manager to help creatively offset some of the PM costs, based on your requirements for Co-Location, WAN (SD or other connectivity), and Unified Communications? Respondent should propose the best model based on the requirements outlined in the RFP. Options to bundle services will be reviewed in accordance with what is the best fit for the organization’s needs as well as what complies with Federal, County and City contracting guidelines.
Will you prefer a fixed fee or hourly fee? Respondent may propose the model they believe is best based on the scope of work; however, rationale for for pricing should be included with budget. Respondent should also note total costs for this procurement as outlined in the first paragrah of section 1.2.
If we have been awarded a bid already, can we also bid on this RFP and any other future ones? Yes, as long as you do not have a conflict of interest (e.g. were not directly involved in writing the RFP you are responding to or other conflict creating circumstances) you may participate in this and future RFPs. SDWP does anticipate that the successful respondent may be involved with the co-location procurement (not yet issued); if that occurs, respondent would be conflicted from participating in that RFP as a bidder.