Occupational Outlook Report 2012 Update / Focus on Reentry
Occupational Outlook Report 2012 Update: Focus on Reentry reviews research on reentry workforce issues with a particular focus on industries and occupations that may be relevant for job seekers with a prior criminal conviction. The report is intended to inform the development and refinement of prisoner reentry programs.
Healthcare IT Research Report
Healthcare IT Research Report explores if and how San Diego’s HIT cluster can be strengthened and how to develop career pathways in this emerging field. Healthcare information technology or HIT is the intersection of information science, computer science and healthcare.
Community Clinics in San Diego: A review of workforce issues facing San Diego’s community healthcare clinics
Community Clinics in San Diego provides analysis and recommendations regarding: current allied health workforce issues; specific skill requirements and deficiencies among medical assistants (and their equivalents); and opportunities and obstacles for career advancement at community clinics. This report was commissioned as part of a broad effort to understand the workforce needs of employers needing new skills and new workers in healthcare information technology.
2011 Occupational Outlook Report
The 2011 Occupational Outlook Report (OOR) for San Diego County profiles 46 local occupations with information on education and experience requirements, wages and benefits, employers’ growth expectations, important skills, recruitment methods, and short and long-term growth outlooks. The occupational profiles may be used by job seekers, students, company managers and human resource personnel as well as education and training program developers.
Military Contractor Cluster of Industries
Military Contractor Cluster of Industries seeks to understand more fully the size and breadth of government military contractors in San Diego and whether the public workforce system can provide assistance to contractors in the preparation of a skilled workforce. The findings in this report are based on a review of existing literature, select executive interviews with several key thought leaders, and a representative sample of 125 contractors in San Diego County.
Entertainment and Hospitality Industry Cluster Survey
Entertainment and Hospitality Industry Cluster Survey looks at the current state of the industry and provides a detailed look at thirty-seven occupational profiles within it. The report presents current industry practices, needs and future plans related to workforce development.
Healthcare Workforce Development in San Diego County: Recommendations for the Changing Times
Green Construction: An Occupational Outlook for San Diego County
Green Construction: An Occupational Outlook for San Diego County examines the growing demand for green construction workers and identifies the training these workers will need to be successful in the field. San Diego County has lost nearly 40,000 construction jobs in the last five years, only one-third of which are expected to return by 2015, while “green construction” jobs are expected to grow at an above average rate.
Small Business Survey
Small Business Survey assesses awareness of one-stop career centers in San Diego County; identifies methods of recruiting new employees and use of outside agencies for assistance with finding and developing qualified workers; seeks to understand small businesses’ current workforce challenges; develops a profile of private-sector small businesses in San Diego County; and evaluates awareness and perception of the San Diego Workforce Partnership.