Population-specific Interventions

Population-specific Interventions
Not every person needs the same support to get into and keep a high-quality job; a one-size-fits-all approach to workforce development simply does not work. Successful service delivery is about listening to the unique needs of each population and individual.
In addition to applying a human-centered approach to the services available at our career centers, we lead multiple initiatives and programs that are custom designed for the particular needs of individuals and families while working toward impact goals that can be felt (and seen in data) across entire populations.
There are many needs in the community. We are currently doubling down in the following areas:
Opportunity Youth
Guiding young adults ages 16–24 on a path to success through skill building, education, social capital and job-based experiences. Goal is to reduce the rate of disconnection in San Diego county, especially in those neighborhoods where the gap is the greatest.
Returning Citizens
Providing a second chance to youth and adults who have been previously involved with the justice system through employment as an intervention. Goal is to maintain recidivism levels at below 10% as a result of services provided.
Immigrants and Refugees
Helping skilled immigrants integrate into the San Diego community by rapidly gaining language skills so they can apply their experience to the workplace. Goal is to create proven pathways for credential conversion to eliminate brain waste and fill critical priority occupations.
Individuals with Disabilities
Weaving evidence based models, including Individual Placement and Support (supported employment), with integrated resource teams to provide wrap around services in job placement and retention. Goal is to increase economic opportunities for individuals with disabilities through collaboration working with businesses and support agencies throughout the region.