Operations Issuance: 2023-03
Issuance Number: 2023-03
Date: February 28, 2023
To: SDWP Youth Service Provider (YSP) Subrecipients SDWP Staff
From: Shaina Gross, VP of Client Services & Crystal Gunter, Sr. Supervisor of Youth Career Center Services
Subject: Operations Manual Update: Chapter 7. Part 2 & Attachments
This operations issuance is to notify Workforce Partnership (SDWP) subrecipients and staff of changes to the Operations Manual: Chapter 7, Part 2 – WIOA Youth Eligibility. Updates to the chapter and attachments were made to align with recent updates to state and local policies.
Below is a summary of updates. Subrecipient should review the referenced chapter and the attachments for details.
- Updated Section I.H: Program Match Finder (PMF) and Objective Assessment (OA)
- Removal of the word “Pre-Assessment” – PMF has replaced the pre-assessment
- Added reference to Chapter 4, Part 2 for the PMF and OA policy and process
- Updated Section II.C: WIOA Application and Participant Process
- The Title I WIOA Application in CalJOBS must be signed
- The WIOA Application needs to be signed by all new enrollments starting on March 1st
- This includes youth with eligibility in progress if the Title I application has not yet been completed by 3/1/23
- Instructions for how to obtain the signature will be added to Chapter 5 and also provided to subrecipients and staff in training
- Updated Section II.D: ECRF
- Added reference to Attachment – Youth Income Calculation Form
- Used when calculating low-income status using family size and income based on LLSIL.
- Added reference to Attachment – Youth Income Calculation Form
- Clarification (Multiple Sections) on completion of eligibility certification
- Includes: ECRF, UPAF, MCRF, Applicant Statements, Telephone Verification, and 5% Eligibility Exceptions
- Forms used to certify eligibility must be completed on or prior to the WIOA application date and the participation date.
- Eligibility certification is good for 90 days, so once completed, staff can complete the WIOA application and participation form up to 90 days after the eligibility date on the ECRF.
- The WIOA application and participation form need to be completed prior to the ECRF expiration date.
- Updated Section II.H: Exited Individuals and Re-Enrollment
- Approval on re-enrollment is on a case-by-case basis
- Should benefit the participant; staff should assess the participant prior to re-enrollment and submit the Attachment – Re-Enrollment Request Form
- Removal of specific criteria
- Participants who re-enroll are counted twice in performance
- Removal of “Region/Address Verification”
- No longer need to verify residency in San Diego County
- Clarification Section IV.A: Data Validation
- Reworded for clarity
- Updated Section IV.D: Selective Service Registration
- Added reference to WSD16-18: Selective Service Registration for more details on the requirements.
- Removed “Failure to Register” – Not applicable to those under 26 years of age
- Clarification Section IV.E: Veteran and Covered Spouse Status for Veterans Priority
- Veterans’ priority was removed from the ECRF for youth applicants
- Subrecipients must screen for veterans in the eligibility and intake process and enroll them as priority if they meet youth eligibility, however priority of service does not need to be documented except noting veterans’ status on the WIOA Title I Application.
- Updated Section V.D.7: Low-Income/Family Size Determination
- If using the Low Income/Family Size Determination, YSPs must upload the calculation using the Attachment-Youth Income Calculation Form
The following attachments were removed:
- Eligibility Guide Flow Chart (Outdated)
The following attachments were updated:
- Eligibility Certification and Review Form (ECRF)
- Updated to reflect changes made to the Table of Documentation
- Universal Participation Agreement Form (UPAF)
- Updated language
- Updated section on release of records
- Removal of emergency contacts
- Methods for Calculating Income (Low Income Determination)
- Added: Youth Income Calculation Form
- Table of Documentation to Establish WIOA Youth Eligibility
- Updates to Source Documentation requirements based on WSD22-03: WIOA Data Validation Source Documentation
Effective March 1, 2023 all WIOA Title I providers are required to follow the updated policies and procedures in the chapter indicated above for all new enrollments. Subrecipients and staff are required to review the entire Chapter and Attachments.
Subrecipients must attend the scheduled “WIOA Youth Eligibility Training” on March 8th. Each subrecipient must have a minimum of one staff member in attendance.
If you have any feedback or questions regarding this issuance, contact your Program Specialist.
- To access the chapters and their attachments, go to org and click on the collapsed menu icon located on the top right-hand side of the webpage.
- Click on “Operations Resources” section.
- Click on “Operations Manual” to see the list of chapters and operational issuances.
- Click on “Chapter 7. Part 2: WIOA Youth Eligibility | Attachments” to view the policy and attachments.