Operations Issuance: 2022-11
Issuance Number: 2022-11
Date: June 24, 2022
To: SDWP ETPL Providers
From: Frank Pancucci, Director of Workforce Development
Subject: Attachment - ETPL Policy and Procedures Update
This operations issuance is to notify Workforce Partnership (SDWP) subrecipients and California (State) and San Diego (SD) ETPL Training Providers of changes to the Operations Manual: Chapter 4, Part 3: WIOA Training Activities: Attachments: ETPL Policies and Procedures. Updates to the attachments and exhibits were made during the annual review period as part of the continued eligibility review process.
The Employment Development (EDD) finalized Workforce Services Draft Directive ETPL Policy and Procedures (WSD21-03) on November 10, 2021. WIOA Section 122 requires states to establish and maintain a list of training providers who are eligible to receive WIOA Title I, subtitle B funds for training services. An America’s Job Center of California (AJCC) may issue an Individual Training Account (ITA) to a WIOA Title I, subtitle B eligible individual (out of school youth ages 16-24, adult or dislocated worker) to fund training services.
The Employment Development Department (EDD) is the entity responsible for publishing, disseminating, and maintaining the comprehensive California (CA) ETPL with performance and cost information. In addition, the EDD is responsible for ensuring programs meet the eligibility criteria and performance levels established in this Directive; removing programs that do not meet the program criteria or performance levels established in this Directive; and taking enforcement actions against providers that intentionally provide inaccurate information, or that substantially violate the requirements of WIOA.
The Local Board is responsible for carrying out the procedures outlined in this Directive; work with the state to ensure there are sufficient numbers and types of providers of training services with expertise in assisting individuals with disabilities, and adults in need of adult education and literacy activities; developing and maintaining a local ETPL; and ensuring the dissemination of the CA and local ETPL through the AJCCs, including in formats accessible to individuals with disabilities.
The following sections have been updated or added to the ETPL Policies and Procedures:
- Sections were rearranged, renamed, or formatted for continuity
- Sections were updated with eligibility criteria for the State ETPL and additional eligibility for SD ETPL. Sections include breakouts for each, where applicable.
- Section I-C, D, E – Apprenticeships, Distance Education Training Providers & Out-Of-State Training Providers were updated
- Section II-A, B, C, D, E – State ETPL Training Provider Initial Eligibility, Local (San Diego) ETPL Training Provider Eligibility, Training Provider Application Process, Eligibility Documentation, & Third-Party Agreements were updated
- Section III-A – State ETPL Training Program Initial Eligibility was updated
- Section III-B-3, iv. – Training Funds Cap was updated
- SDWP will pay the total cost of the program up to the maximum training funds cap ($7,000), whichever is less.
- Section III-C – Training Program Approval Process was updated
- Section IV-A, B, C, D – Annual Review Period, State ETPL Continued Eligibility, Local (San Diego) ETPL Continued Eligibility & Training Program Update Policy and Process
- Training Providers must submit aggregate performance for each program listed on the STATE ETPL.
- Section V-A – Performance Criteria was updated
- Section VI – Provider and Program Denials, Delisting, and Appeals was updated
- Section II-A-1- ETP Assurances Form
- All training providers must submit the ETP Assurances Form annually to be considered for continued eligibility.
- Section II-B-1, ii- Federal or State Agency Approval
- Training providers may be eligible for inclusion into the ETPL if they have approval by a Federal or State agency that has oversight in a specific occupation.
Exhibit Updates
The following attachments were added:
- ETPL Eligibility Guide
The following attachments were updated:
- In-Demand Occupations List
- Criteria was updated for PY22
- Eligible occupations were updated for PY22
The following attachments were updated:
- ETPL Performance
- Includes both CA ETPL Performance and SD ETPL Performance
Effective June 24, 2022, all training providers are required to follow the updated policies and procedures in the chapter indicated above. The approved SD ETPL will be published to the Partner Portal for access by the Career Centers for participant referrals. A list of approved programs will be available on the ETPL Training Partners page.
If you have any feedback or questions regarding this issuance, contact the ETPL Coordinator at inquiries@workforce.org.
- menu icon located on the top right-hand side of the webpage.
- Click on “Operations Resources” section, then select “Operations Manual” to see the list of chapters and operational issuances.
- Click on “Chapter 4. Part 3: WIOA Training Activities | Attachments”
- Click on “ETPL Policies and Procedures”