Operations Issuance: 2022-09
Issuance Number: 2022-09
Date: June 30, 2022
To: SDWP Youth Service Provider (YSP) Subrecipients, SDWP Staff
From: Shaina Gross, Vice President of Client Services
Subject: Operations Manual Update: Chapter 7. Part 2 & Attachments
This operations issuance is to notify Workforce Partnership (SDWP) subrecipients and staff of changes to the Operations Manual: Chapter 7, Part 2 – WIOA Youth Eligibility. Updates to the chapter and attachments were made to align with recent updates to state and local policies.
Summary of Updates:
Below is a summary of updates. Subrecipient should review the referenced chapter and the attachments for details.
- New Section I.A.d: Link to CFRs.
- The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is the official legal print publication containing the codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the departments and agencies of the Federal Government.
- Updated Section II.A: Customer Rights Notices
- Copies of customer rights notices can be viewed and emailed to the participant through Workforce eFile. The participant can access the forms from their participant eFIle app.
- Clarification II.I: Dual & Co Enrollments
- Dual enrollments are enrollments between two WIOA Title I programs; dual enrollments require approval
- Co-enrollments are enrollments between WIOA Title I and a different WIOA program or another SDWP funded program. Co-enrollments do not require approval.
- WIOA Title I requires that no services are duplicated, therefore the dual enrollment request is the acknowledgement between the two programs that if services are duplicated, it may lead to disallowed costs.
- Requests for dual-enrollments are submitted through Workforce eFile.
- Clarification III.A.1: Documentary Evidence
- EDD requires that all barriers be documented on the WIOA application and the Objective Assessment
- Documentary Evidence is only required for the eligibility criterion certifying eligibility. Additional barriers can be made by self-attestation and do not require documentary evidence.
- Updated Section IV.D: Data Validation
- Social Security Number (SSN) changed to Data Validation
- A SSN is not required to establish WIOA eligibility, however, if an individual cannot provide (or refuses to provide) a verifiable SSN, the subrecipient must follow the policy and procedures for requesting a pseudo SSN.
- If using the actual SSN, the documentary evidence of verifying the SSN must be kept with eligibility documentation.
- The subrecipient should notify the individual that in order to receive employment services, right to work documentation will be requested before the service can be provided.
- If the individual is unable to provide a SSN or documentary evidence of their SSN, the subrecipient should assist the participant with obtaining that documentation.
- New Section IV.D.1: DACA Recipients
- WIOA programs will continue to serve DACA recipients
- Provided links to additional resources
- Updated Section V.1. San Diego Priority Populations
- For the Population Specific Youth contracts, YSPs must use their specific criterion to establish eligibility:
- Justice Involved/Offender
- Homeless
- Foster Youth (Current or Former)/Out-of-home placement
- Low income – Black Opportunity Youth
- Low income – Immigrant or Refugee
- Low income & has high school diploma – English Language Learner
- For the Population Specific Youth contracts, YSPs must use their specific criterion to establish eligibility:
- Updated Section V.C.2: OSY Barriers to Employment
- The following barriers were added for OSY only under “Requires additional assistance:”
- Dislocated Worker, OSY, 18-24
- Underemployed, OSY, 18-24
- Never Held a Job, OSY, 18-24
- These youth must qualify as low income and meet the definition as outlined on the Table of Documentation.
- OSY must be 18-24 to qualify for these barriers.
- ISY are not eligible for these barriers.
- Staff should not enroll youth in Dislocated Worker on the CalJOBS WIOA application unless there is a dual-enrollment form approved as part of eligibility. Dislocated Worker should otherwise only be used as “Requires additional assistance” under OSY eligibility. However, SDWP highly recommends all of these participants be dual-enrollments.
- The following barriers were added for OSY only under “Requires additional assistance:”
- Updated Section V.C.3.: Lives in a Barrier Area
- Selection of Indian Reservation/Tribal Lands in Workforce eFile process was updated
- Clarification Section V.E: 5% Eligibility Exception
- YSPs are permitted to enroll up to 5% of youth who do not meet low income, across all programs, per program year. There is a CalJOBS report to determine the number
- Only 5% of ISY can be enrolled under the “Needs additional assistance” category, per program year.
The following attachments were added:
- WIOA Youth Eligibility Guide
The following attachments were updated:
- Eligibility Certification and Review Form (ECRF)
- Added “OSY- 18-24 -Low Income: Dislocated Worker”
- Added “OSY- 18-24 -Low Income: Underemployed”
- Added “OSY- 18-24 -Low Income: Never Held a Job”
- Lives in a Barrier Area
- Census tracts were updated for areas of high poverty, high unemployment, and promise zones
- Certification form included in eFile was updated to reflect the changes
- Methods for Calculating Income (Low Income Determination)
- LLSIL 70% levels were updated for the San Diego Region
- Table of Documentation to Establish WIOA Youth Eligibility
- Added criterion and definitions for
- OSY- 18-24 – Dislocated Worker
- OSY- 18-24 – Underemployed
- OSY- 18-24 – Never Held a Job
- Added criterion and definitions for
Minor edits for clarity throughout based on WSDD draft directive on data validation
Effective July 1, 2022 all WIOA Title I youth providers are required to follow the updated policies and procedures in the chapter indicated above for all new enrollments. Subrecipients and staff are required to review the entire Chapter and Attachments.
If you have any feedback or questions regarding this issuance, contact your Program Specialist.
- To access the chapters and their attachments, go to workforce.org and click on the collapsed menu icon located on the top right-hand side of the webpage.
- Click on “Operations Resources” section.
- Click on “Operations Manual” to see the list of chapters and operational issuances.
- Click on “Chapter 7. Part 2: WIOA Youth Eligibility | Attachments” to view the policy and attachments.